Friday 2 March 2012

Best to Remember - The Republic of Texas

     There is a lot of interesting stuff about Texas.   A lot of it is even true.   Sometimes the truth is left a little incomplete, sometimes it is embellished a bit.   On this little graphic, for instance, one notices that one of the flags of the Six Flags of Texas is the "Confederate Flag".   Almost all OROGs know that the Stars and Bars is not the "Confederate States of America official banner.   The picture below depicts the correct, official, and ultimate banner of the Confederacy.

File:CSA FLAG 28.11.1861-1.5.1863.svg

     This is actually the flag known as the "Stars and Bars".    The other is a battle flag, based upon the Cross of Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland.

     It is worth the noting also that Lorenzo de Zavala, the financier of the Texian Revolution, finally convinced the Anglo and other settlers and colonists in Texas that Texas would not be recognised if Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana, President and General of the Army were able to subordinate the Constitution of 1824 and establish a Centralist government.   He also convinced them that Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana was fully capable of delivering a force of 20,000 well armed and trained and successful soldiers in good order to the centre of Texas in a few short weeks, not months.   He was right.
     de Zavala was the inscriptor of the Texas Declaration of Independence, as he had been the one of the principal authours of the republican Mexican Constitution of 1824.    He was also something of a renaissance man, fluent in several languages, and a politically important person from the State of Yucatan.    He was also a Scottish Rite Mason.
     de Zavala was also the first Vice-President of Texas, thereby the President of the Senate and essentially secretary of the Government.   He gave 3,000,000 pesos to the Government, which in to-day's money would be roughly 50,000,000 dollars.  Without him, there would have been no Republic of Texas.    Would that he would return.

Manuel Justiano Lorenzo de Zavala y Saenz

It is best to remember that the Defenders of the Alamo never knew that Texas had declared independence and withdrawn from the Mexican Union.  The Alamo fell on the 6th of March, 1836, four days later.   Their battle flag was the Mexican tri-colour with the number 1824 written on the center white field.    Some think that that banner was designed as a statement of desire to seek reconciliation with Mexico.   It was and it was not.
     It was first and foremost a statement of total rejection of the person and authority of Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana.   At best, Texas would never have remained withing the Mexican Union.   A commonwealth arrangement was possible.   Some dispute the fact that the 1824 flag flew over the Alamo, but it is well documented, even in the diary of Lt. Col. Enriquez de la Pena,  XO, First Zapper Batallion, which was the first group to breach the walls.   It is said that two flags were taken by the Army, one was the white star/blue field  of the New Orleans Blues, Volunteers, and the other the Mexican 1824 flag.    Some say the Lopez de Santa Ana had the latter destroyed, some say it was taken at San Jacinto, after the defeat of the main body of Lopez de Santa Ana's army and his capture.   Legends say that a collector probably has it to this day, hidden away.   I doubt that.

     The Mexican government returned the other flag just a few years ago, after it had been displayed in the hall of trophies in Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City since 1921.

Thanks for your time and patience.
El Gringo Viejo