Wednesday 1 November 2017

Monday 30 October 2017

Silverglate: How Robert Mueller Tried To Entrap Me


October 17, 2017

Is special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, appointed in mid-May to lead the investigation into suspected ties between Donald Trump’s campaign and various shady (aren’t they all?) Russian officials, the choirboy that he’s being touted to be, or is he more akin to a modern-day Tomas de Torquemada, the Castilian Dominican friar who was the first Grand Inquisitor in the 15th Century Spanish Inquisition?
Given the rampant media partisanship since the election, one would think that Mueller’s appointment would lend credibility to the hunt for violations of law by candidate, now President Trump and his minions.
But I have known Mueller during key moments of his career as a federal prosecutor. My experience has taught me to approach whatever he does in the Trump investigation with a requisite degree of skepticism or, at the very least, extreme caution.
When Mueller was the acting United States Attorney in Boston, I was defense counsel in a federal criminal case in which a rather odd fellow contacted me to tell me that he had information that could assist my client. He asked to see me, and I agreed to meet. He walked into my office wearing a striking, flowing white gauze-like shirt and sat down across from me at the conference table. He was prepared, he said, to give me an affidavit to the effect that certain real estate owned by my client was purchased with lawful currency rather than, as Mueller’s office was claiming, the proceeds of illegal drug activities.
My secretary typed up the affidavit that the witness was going to sign. Just as he picked up the pen, he looked at me and said something like: “You know, all of this is actually false, but your client is an old friend of mine and I want to help him.” As I threw the putative witness out of my office, I noticed, under the flowing white shirt, a lump on his back – he was obviously wired and recording every word between us.
Years later I ran into Mueller, and I told him of my disappointment in being the target of a sting where there was no reason to think that I would knowingly present perjured evidence to a court. Mueller, half-apologetically, told me that he never really thought that I would suborn perjury, but that he had a duty to pursue the lead given to him. (That “lead,” of course, was provided by a fellow that we lawyers, among ourselves, would indelicately refer to as a “scumbag.”)
This experience made me realize that Mueller was capable of believing, at least preliminarily, any tale of criminal wrongdoing and acting upon it, despite the palpable bad character and obviously questionable motivations of his informants and witnesses. (The lesson was particularly vivid because Mueller and I overlapped at Princeton, he in the Class of 1966 and me graduating in 1964.)
Years later, my wariness toward Mueller was bolstered in an even more revelatory way. When he led the criminal division of the U.S. Department of Justice, I arranged in December 1990 to meet with him in Washington. I was then lead defense counsel for Dr. Jeffrey R. MacDonald, who had been convicted in federal court in North Carolina in 1979 of murdering his wife and two young children while stationed at Fort Bragg. Years after the trial, MacDonald (also at Princeton when Mueller and I were there) hired me and my colleagues to represent him and obtain a new trial based on shocking newly discovered evidence that demonstrated MacDonald had been framed in part by the connivance of military investigators and FBI agents. Over the years, MacDonald and his various lawyers and investigators had collected a large trove of such evidence.
The day of the meeting, I walked into the DOJ conference room, where around the table sat a phalanx of FBI agents. My three colleagues joined me. Mueller walked into the room, went to the head of the table, and opened the meeting with this admonition, reconstructed from my vivid and chilling memory: “Gentlemen: Criticism of the Bureau is a non-starter.” (Another lawyer attendee of the meeting remembered Mueller’s words slightly differently: “Prosecutorial misconduct is a non-starter.” Either version makes clear Mueller’s intent – he did not want to hear evidence that either the prosecutors or the FBI agents on the case misbehaved and framed an innocent man.)
Special counsel Mueller’s background indicates zealousness that we might expect in the Grand Inquisitor, not the choirboy.
Why Special Prosecutors Are A Bad Idea
The history of special counsels (called at different times either “independent counsel” or “special prosecutor”) is checkered and troubled, resulting in considerable Supreme Court litigation around the concept of a prosecutor acting outside of the normal DOJ chain of command.
The Supreme Court in 1988 approved, with a single dissent (Justice Antonin Scalia), the concept of an independent prosecutor. Still, all subsequent efforts to appoint such a prosecutor have led to enormous disagreements over whether justice was done. Consider Kenneth Starr’s obsessive four-year, $40-million pursuit of President Bill Clinton for having sex with a White House intern and then lying about it. Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald’s 2006 pursuit of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby is not as infamous, but it should be. Fitzgerald indicted and a jury later convicted Libby, a top aide to Vice President Dick Cheney, for lying about leaking to the New York Times the covert identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson. Subsequent revelations that there were multiple leaks and that Wilson’s CIA identity was not a secret served to discredit Libby’s indictment. Libby’s sentence was commuted. Libby’s relatively speedy reinstatement into the bar is seen by many as evidence of his unfair conviction. Considered in tandem, the campaigns against Democrat Clinton and Republican Libby raise disturbing questions about the use of special or independent prosecutors. 
Yet despite the constitutional issues, the most serious problem with a special counsel is that when a prosecutor is appointed to examine closely the lives and affairs of a pre-selected group of targets, that prosecutor is almost certain to stumble across multiple actions that might be deemed criminal under the sprawling and incredibly vague federal criminal code.
In Mueller’s case, one can have a very high degree of confidence that he will uncover alleged felonies within the ranks of the inner circle of the President’s men (there are very few women to investigate in this administration). This could well include Trump himself.
I described this phenomenon long before Trump began his improbable rise, in my 2009 book “Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent” (Encounter Books, updated edition, 2011).  I explained how federal “fraud” statutes were so vague that just about any action in the daily life of a typically busy professional might be squeezed into the elastic definition of some kind of federal felony. Harvard Law Professor (and, I should note, my former professor and subsequent longtime friend and colleague) Alan Dershowitz has beaten me to the punch, making the case in a raft of articles and on TV and radio that none of the evidence thus far leaked to or adduced by investigative reporters constitute federal crimes.
But Mueller’s demonstrated zeal and ample resources virtually assure that indictments will come, even in the absence of actual crimes rather than behavior that is simply “politics as usual”. If Mueller claims that Trump or members of his entourage committed crimes, it doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily so. We should take Mueller and his prosecutorial team with a grain of salt. But a grain of salt seems an outmoded concept in an age when both sides – Trump and his critics – seem impervious to inconvenient facts. The most appropriate slogan for all the combatants on both sides of the Trump wars (including, alas, the reporters and their editors) might well be: “Don’t confuse me with the facts; my mind is made up.” 
Harvey Silverglate, a criminal defense and First Amendment lawyer and writer, is WGBH/News’ “Freedom Watch” columnist. He practices law in an “of counsel” capacity in the Boston law firm Zalkind Duncan & Bernstein LLP. He is the author, most recently, of Three Felonies a Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent (New York: Encounter Books, updated edition 2011). The author thanks his research assistant, Nathan McGuire, for his invaluable work on this series. 

Thursday 26 October 2017

Oblique and Peripheral Religious Issues....brief, committed, but not overly preachy


And yes, Virginia, King Henry VIII, was
not always the gluttonous slob picturedin

 his later years.   He was the Great
 Defender of the Pope and considered
 himself the  "second authority" in
His break with the Roman Church
 became final when it came time to
 change wives.  To the end, Henry
 considered himself a "true"
     We have a couple of points to take care of....something like having to milk the cow.  Everyone wanted the cheese, cream, and milk....but even milkmaids are not really enchanted with the idea of milking the cows.   Most OROGs know that El Gringo Viejo is an antiquated, old-book, 16th Century English, Anglican.   They accuse us of "....being more Catholic than the Catholics",  when in fact we are the left-overs of the traditionalists and orthodox.
     Please note that I am aware that there was one very vigorous defender of the Bishop of Rome (Pope) when Martin Luther started nailing proclamations and accusations of all sorts Damning almost Everything to Hell.
 The defender of the Bishop of Rome was a profound religious and philosophical thinker, well respected in his day.  He had many other duties, but he spent all of his spare time being entertained by certain ladies and studying historical, religious, and philosophical writings.
   People laugh at the mention of his name now, but....he was a power on many fronts....something like a 13 year old with an 1Q of 160.     His name?  See image left.

     So this handsome man with great intelligence left his imprimatur on the English Church, that still to this day, throughout all the Anglican Communion, even in the now hopelessly secular Episcopal Church in America,  we confess that ..."We believe one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church" as it states in the Ancient Rites.

    We might should reduce our denigration of poor Henry.

    We now turn to two simple points.   One is that the Roman Catholic Church operates a noxious "refugee assistance" programme here in the McAllen area....principally from the precincts of the Church of the Sacred Heart in mid-downtown McAllen.  Certain types of illegal aliens are referred there by the Immigration and Naturalisation people, if the immigrants know how to phrase their reason for arriving here without documents and who have been taught to know how to declare themselves as "refugees".
Sor. Norma Pimentel with the Liberation
 Theologist Bishop of Rome (pope)having
 been invited to show how "good people"
 such as them should be lauded for flooding
 Texas and the United States with people
 who have not the nearest interest in
 becoming citizens or partners in any
 civil or religiously instructed
society or culture. 
     We submit this brief blip about the nun who has selflessly foisted thousands of people who came up from Central America....many of them pregnant....many of them with children, sometimes their own (but who knows?), and many of them with the full intent to lard onto the incredible welfare labyrinth that, to them, seems so much better than living around continuous depraved Mara Salvatrucha and similar sub-human murdering, extortion, and perverse pursuits.  If not the Mara, then the Calle 18 or whatever group comes along that requires an inductee to murder his mother or render his sister to the group of gang before they kill her.

Sister Norma Pimentel, a member of the Missionaries of Jesus and executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, joined Cardinal Tagle for the audience with Pope Francis.
“‘Share the Journey’ is the opportunity for all of us as church, as the people of God, to walk with and be part of that journey that the immigrants are going through,” she told CNS. It is an opportunity to tell migrants and refugees they are not alone. “We are saying, ‘We are with you and we want you to know that we will always be with you and care for you". 

    Well, Sister - your obfuscative and double-talk gibberish covers what you are actually meaning to say.
    What you are saying is, "We know that these people are not Mexicans.  The Mexicans have some hope of becoming people who can grab the rungs on the ladder and pull themselves up.  The Central Americans, though, have come up to assist us in swarming the United States, a brutal, racist, uncaring, capitalist, war-mongering country that desires that all the brown and black and other oppressed peoples of the world be kept in misery and suffer the death of their children who will never know their potential so that the gringos can live as kings."

   One can listen to it on the overnight radio from Cuba and Nicaragua from our little mud hut in the middle of Nowhere, Mexico.   But, now you have painted yourself into the hypocritical corner that befalls all marxists.  You profess to be of a denomination of a Religion that prohibits members of their congregation to commit the sin of the useless destruction or murder....including the act of abortion.

    But now we have you delivered a minor to the abortionist without even pleading that she was raped or abused by an unknown person, a father, an uncle, a grandfather, a brother,  or the duendes de noche.   You arranged for the entrance of the ACLU into the issue and now the problem is solved. keeping with your mission to try to break the bank of the hideous American hegemony on culture....the abortion that you sponsored, not only violating your supposed religious "beliefs", is further celebrated because you have caused the public to pay for the "free abortion"........quite a success.
   On top of that, your people wrote a lengthy justification statement, supposedly written by the young women at issue, wherein she declares that she has the right to be pregnant, to terminate said pregnancy, to have the Imperialist Yankees pay for the entire matter, so that she can do as she deigns, by her definition, to improve her life while remaining in the United States.....for free...
     What a bunch of immoral, hypocritical,  parasitic slugs.

     Sister Pimentel is an accomplice at making abortion an acceptable, reasonable alternative for Catholics and others.  Above all, she believes we have to be "reasonable" and tolerate her hypocrisy and also tolerate this invasion of those seeking the pearly, silvered path of public assistance.
        Sister Pimentel is also a heroine because she has had an audience with the Bishop of Rome, and therefore, the propaganda effect is immutable.....especially for those who cannot think critically.

     She wins, because she bravely breaks her vows, and she drives a stake into the heart of the beast  of traditional, orthodox Christianity by bringing in another baby that will have to be supported by the little donkey pulling the big wagon on the one hand, and slaughtering of a baby who never had a chance to defend him or her self.
    It's time that the Bishop of Rome fast-tracks her elevation to sainthood before she ascends to Heaven in a great cloud of smoke and dust.

Gibberish or does one spell it?

During a sincere moment this was a comment made by Michelle Obama:
"Physically, there’s a difference in colour, in the tone.  Because one side: all men, all white.    On the other side: some women, some people of colour."   Michelle Robinson O'bama. 

    Many believe that this astute and perceptive statement can be compared to the profound "We'll have to vote for it to find out what is in it." 
    Others point out that she once said, "Why are they making such a big thing about the flag?  It's just a piece of cloth." which is a statement that many think might replaced the dull, meaningless blurb..."In God We Trust",  according to analysts at Obsolete Media, Inc.
Michelle Robinson O'bama

World famous authority on matters
that are about things and everything
 when it is the stuff that is the thing
about whatever is being discussed
or not discussed and needs to be
the things that either needs or
 does not need a complete
review by the government.
And besides, all white people are
bad racists and all people of
 colourare good and victims.
