There are so many topics. They are like the rain lilies that sprout with the rains that follow a drought. I shall try to be brief with my impressions, although it is my opinion that they are salient observations for these times.
(1) The "Texas Navy": This body, augmented by the Cajun Navy from some country out east of the Republic of Texas, and even some from distant jurisdictions that have monuments to war heroes from a war long ago such as Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, and other blessed places.
These people went out when the water was still rising. They did not ask, "How much is that house worth?"or "Are you legal, black, Indian, extraterrestrial?"
They paid their own fuel and upkeep on John-boats, air-boats, kayaks, some pretty fancy middle-sized rigs, pontoon / party boats....and frequently worked 12 - 18 hours and/or through the night with cottonmouths - rattlesnakes - water moccasins looking for boats or logs or something upon which to cling. Charge? $00.00 USD.
(2) Fellows from Rockport....which essentially no longer exists, down just north of Corpus Christi....went up to volunteer in Houston because......? "Well, there wasn't anything down there we could do. Everything is gone. So we decided to come up here where there were still some people we could help."
(3) Everybody knows that Texians are a bunch of racist Jethros and Bubbas and that they are a couple of hundred thousand years behind on the evolutionary charts. Please remember, O! Ye who can well discern the mote in thy neighbour's eye and seeth not the beam in thine own.
Scene after scene of Black African ancestried people helping Latinate and Brittanic looking people. Real Jethros and Bubbas helping people of Black African Ancestry without a second thought....cradling their babies, helping their old ladies "aboard" whatever floating device was readily available. Take all the groups and combinations of groups, a bunch of Latinate people pushing an Anglo's fancy pickup up to high ground.....400 yards through chest-deep water.
A Black women, a little older than she might admit, on crutches being delivered to high ground and crutching her way up, still thigh deep in the water, and saying,"You all go on about your business, there's a lot of people back there (she swings her chin to a clear over-the-right-shoulder gesture) who need a lot more help than I need." (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you........) The White Boys did as they were directed, by the Southern / Texian Code, by their social superior....the Southern / Texian Social Law: She was older and she was a lady. Do what she says.
(4) I shan't belabour the inter-ethnic, inter-racial unthinking Samaritanism that might surprise the East Coast - West Coast people who read this screed third hand. (yes, we can track up to the sixth cyber-generation of our followers) Here it is normal. A profound statement was received by this listener one time several years ago, during a civil insurrection in Austin. An old white cop, with whom I was riding as part of a sociology course in criminology, confided in me that, "I guess I am enough of a racist that I would shoot a white looter before a black one." (Texian logic)
(5) We were aghast to see Melania wearing shoes!!!! Wearing Shoes!!!!! Expensive, designer shoes!!!!! And to a hurricane!!!! Doesn't she know that you can't wear white after Labour Day? In other words we were fascinated that the Obsolete Press made over a previous First Lady as if she were the Queen of Sheba.....in spite of certain...uh....er....uh....physiological realities. But, when it comes to accepting or rejecting the quality of of this or that First Lady of the American Republic, it seems that the Obsolete Press is much more concerned with whether or not the First Lady is a dedicated socialist and abortionist and "alternative lifestyle"advocate, than the positive things that a First Lady can convey to the American and World's population.
She acquitted herself quite well in her tennis shoes and black baseball-style cap while she was on the ground....still looking better than certain other first ladies, some of whom had to run across the tarmac dodging sniper fire. Don't you just hate it when the infantry helmets ruin your hairdo?
Who knows? When she goes bowling with some wounded warriors or something, and she is wearing bowling shoes....perhaps they will say....''Melanie goes grandma!!!"
(6) There are various female-type OROGs, who have been drawn as a moth to the flame, and are burdened with the yoke of progressivism. Most of the OROGettes are rightwing crazies. But the former group will be glad when I throw the necessary bone to members of the left.
Nancy Pelosi and the Mayor of San Francisco Jesus Arranguia, and certain other liberal University presidents and CEOs of important places have declared that Trump is correct. In this case Trump agrees with me, not visa-versa. The Progressives, however, have "come out" and said that the "Antifa" is a terrorist-type group driven by violence and by the suspension of discourse.They have suggested that many events including Charlottesville were provoke by "Antifas"
It has become apparent to all that this group is not composed of "principled political activists" who are searching for the "common good". They are criminal...many with records and warrants outstanding....and they have no political or social mission beyond nihilism, anarchy, and oddly racism. Almost all are Caucasoid. Almost all have had some relationship with the old Soros group know as the Association for Community Organisations for Reform Now! (ACORN). These are the people who signed up Mickey Mouse and Marilyn Monroe and similar for the voters' registry. These are the people who dropped out of Occupy Wall Street because it was not anarchistic enough.
WHAT IS MOST DISTRESSING....is that we had to listen to long and tortured blobs of rancid bologna and fungus-bearing, road-kill, goat-guts from King George I (George Herbert Walker Bush) and King George II (George Walker Bush) along with another person I once admired as a truly reasonable "moderate", Bishop Mitt Romney....etc. This collapse of admiration began with Barbara Bush, whom I served as an "assistant" at a couple of fund-raising occasions.
When she said that she felt as if Billy Jeff Blythe was like a son to her, my withdrawal began. She has said it at various times and places since the first time. When her husband and eldest son said that they favoured Soros Zombies over the obviously less-than-perfect Trump, it was 'The End'.
And then, finally in the case of the Prescott family, and the super-clean Mormon Romney family.....they declared that Trump was a piece of garbage because he equivilated the nice, clean protestors against oppression and slavery with a group of rightwing KKK, Nazis, and Bad People.
In the case of Charlottesville, both sides were delivered by the Soros group. That entire matter was constructed and designed by the Soros Anarchy and World Socialist Movement (SAWSM). In other words, both sides were on the same side.
They were hoping some white-trash young male or lost soul who had been given drugs during their lifetime that psychogically might finally cause conditions that would cause "hyperactive young boys and men" to come up and shoot, run over, or blow-up with a home-made bomb, any-or-all nature of "demonstrators". There is never a shortage, it seems, of male juvenile/adolescent Caucasians who, after years of "hyperactivity medicine", decide that the most fun might be to go out and kill people or beat up little kids who are somehow "different". This is how we lost nine of the most honourable people of the Old or New South in South Carolina the other day.....and the students at Columbine....and the children at Newtown.
The Soros vermin, who have been well instructed in their tactics and strategies, come from this ilk. In Europe it abounds. Millions of Muslims, and non-Muslims on the dole....young men parasiting off of various girlfriends and their dole resulting from numerous birthings, taking support payments from "the government"....like our AFDC. In America it is found in what is called "...the immigrant community" as well as anywhere else in society that where parasitism is thought to be a "square deal" .
In fact, frequently they are not "immigrants". They are invaders, entering illegally with illegal intentions. The invasion by the Muslims in the UK, France, Germany, and the rest of Europe. And the worst ones are British Angloids and Muslims who have had granddad, daddy, and self on the Queen's dole....50, 60, 70, or more pounds-sterling per week or fortnight. For doing nothing. Then consider that all of Europe taken with this hemlock juice. All of Europe.
While bringing on Muslims who hate European peoples and culture...whatever is left of the little culture they had....we have the perfect soup. The Bushes, the Budweiser - McCains, the pseudo-Republican moderates who "understand reality" and yet endure in the psychotic unreality of unbalanced budgets and government control and social deconstruction, we begin to see the shadow of America. Shadow because it is no longer a solid thing, but an ephemeral thing that has no substance and dwells in the past.... a past which will soon be erased...along with the tumbling down of statues of greater men than many we have now. Testosterone and morality were once made of sterner stuff.
Bolshevik Socialism, Collectivism, National Socialism, Progressivism, and Liberation Theology all lead to moral and social death. Nancy Pelosi and Jesse Arranguia apparently saw this a the very moment they were entering the tunnel to eternal death. The Bushes, the Romneys, the McCain-types.....not so much.
They used the opportunity to take a foggy, intentional misreporting of the Charlottesville "confrontation" to uselessly try to wound Trump...who is an impetuous jackass....but he a loveable jackass I guess, and a better man than those blue-bloods who deny the South, deny the Paladins, deny the competent blue collar class, deny the independent and true dirt farmer and rancher and small business person.
McCain, the Bushes, Paul Ryan, the Romneys and other "enlightened Republicans" all sided with the Soros zombies.
A real shame. Time to get rid of the Secretary of State and the Secretary of War. Time to get rid of all of the Country Club, Progressive, pro-abortion "Republicans" in the Trump administration. These Secretaries are all nephews of Brutus.
More Later,
El Gringo Viejo