We have waited long and well. And, truthfully, we bear no rancour against the decision by the Supremes. Each member of the Court has his or her thought process, conditions, understanding, and sense of the meaning of the words of history and the law in the United States of America.
There are four Justices who will almost invariably vote for what is known as "progressive interpretation", because they are disposed to support any line of reasoning that endorses socialism and absolute central government control. Every now and then, one of these Justices slips up and votes as might a conservative member of the Court. Rarely
There are four other Justices who are common law thinkers and who believe that functioning jurisprudential deference to historical precedent and reasoning fair to the facts of a petition are the guideposts. These Justices can be thought of as "common law" interpreters of a case matter.
Then we have one Justice of the Supreme Court…the Chief Justice…who is dedicated to that Great Legal Principal of 'what if?' and 'on the other hand' and 'the last time I voted to the left so this time I'll vote some other way, just to keep my posse guessing'. But really, this time, the old ones and the new ones, the rightwing ones and the lefties all got in line and decided that Texas did not have the right to tell the other States how they must vote.
The position of your humble servant wavered slightly in different directions. On the one hand…as my grandfather Neal would say…El Gringo Viejo was disposed to the notion that Lieutenant Governor Paxton was meddling with matters that were entirely within the confines of the frontiers of each sovereign State being considered.
On the other hand, there was the fact that six states in the past Nationwide election had fallen into a miserable morass of peculiar processing procedures. As well, there was considerable possibility that the voting machines being used by various of those States were defective, were programmed purposefully to disregard votes for the Republican column or the two Republicans at the head of the ticket. And there were, as well, credible reports of large numbers of illegally registered or undocumented voters' registrations having been recently procured far afield from normal, legal processes.
There were many reports of registrations (what we used to call poll taxes in Texas) that had been written in the same hand. Others were credentials of people who had to be thought of as "Miracle Voters"…because they were dead. There were many who had been born in the 1880's and 1890's…many. There were, in all six states, well over 40,000 who were ineligible due to having been convicted felons.
Of peculiar interest was the truck driver pulling out of New York State with his load, en route to Somewhere, Pennsylvania. He arrived at the appointed place and time, and opened up while some nice fellows unloaded the parcels. The driver took note that the packets were ballots for the election that had just been conducted two days before. He had the opportunity to look at one of the ballots, and they were sure 'nuf, real live ballots that pertained to the issues of November 3, 2020 in Pennsylvania. The good fellow receiving the cargo had mentioned that there were supposed to be 200,000 ballots, and according to the quick count, there were.
Later the next night, your humble servant was splashed in the face by live television with the presentations by two attractive, very well spoken, and coherent Black women. They were not together, in that the two presentations were aired some individually, in terms of distance and the hour. While they did not say the same thing in the same order of words, they did convey a very similar message. Each indicated that they had seen election personnel purposefully damaging ballots or dumping them, loosely thrown into a container. Each woman gave witness to various highly irregular voting administration errors. One was Republican and the other Democrat.
While trying to sew this up, because it is truly nothing that I witnessed, it was necessary to consider peculiarities. For example:
(1) Your humble servant is a 73 year old person. He is a graduate of Southwest Texas State University, and he has held significant employment and he has been deeply involved in international business for many years as a sole proprietor (including his wife). He has been deeply involved as well in the political experience, serving in various capacities pertaining to the Republican Party.
It is probable that this observer has seen almost everything possible in terms of voting fraud, subterfuge, and treachery. My parents actually saw even more during the times of Lyndon Johnson and earlier in the 1900's. Texas was an interesting stage to watch when politics was in play in those times.
(2) For instance the fabled BOX 13, Jim Wells County of Texas where the Uncle Archer and Nephew Parr click engineered the totally fraudulent nomination of Lyndon Baines Johnson to candidacy for United States Senator, back in 1948. In that matter people were killed and honour was sacrificed. My distaste for Lyndon Johnson and for the Parr Clan's corrupt lording over the lives of several-score thousands of South Texans was well developed before I finished high school. George Parr the father, and Archer (Archie) Parr the son, were born with no souls. Many dead folks, and by to-day's standards, billions of bilked public funds.
The second Parr (the nephew also based in San Diego in the County of Duval like his Daddy) engineered the great and famous Landslide Lyndon's come-from-behind victory over ex-Governor Coke Stevenson, where Lyndon carried a "suddenly found" batch of 200 ballots which were converted quickly to an 88 vote victory in a runoff race that racked up 1,000,000 votes across the whole of Texas. That was five days after election day.
One amazing characteristic of that batch of votes was the sign-in sheet for the Precinct 13 - Jim Wells County voters (principally from Alice, Texas) showing that the last 202 voters signed in…but in alphabetical order!!! AND, they signed-in in the same hand!!!The script, "in the same hand", was very much like the perfect script of an august and very educated Mexican woman whose origins were in
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This would have been the County Clerk's style of writing. There were not large numbers of folks in Alice at that time who could write as such. |
So, she happened to have the very elegant handwriting of the epoch, which she continued to use throughout her life. She moved to Texas in during the Mexican Revolution of 1910 - 1917 with her parents, and continued her studies at advanced university level. Some people felt that Archer Parr coerced her into providing that "registration service", as if it were a joke of some kind. That list wound up electing Lyndon Baines Johnson to the United States Senate.
(Please refer to the tome "A Texian Looks at Lyndon", by J. Evetts Haley. Also, please review the massive "The Years of Lyndon Johnson…..a path to power".)
After reading about the above mickey-mouse type of wheeling and dealing in the 1940s, the kind of election stuff that Philadelphia and other hopelessly crooked places, honest Pennsylvanians must have been affected to the roots of their noble souls. The "big city" operators are the quintessential types of political crooks who care naught for honour and everything for squeezing the populace with charade and mendacity. The bags of greenbacks and political favouritism come as a bonus for the crooked political engineers.
It will be well preserved when we could consider the "Long Pause" of election night and as the Third of November turned into the Fourth of November, and there was no significant reportage of the ballot count by the mainstream telemedia to those living in the Central Time Zone. That was one of my measures that closed the arguments about whether or not tabulation games were being played. They were being played.
The leftist television networks were playing us, the Democrat Party was playing us, and now they have saddled the United States with something that wobbles between being governed by a man whose strong suit is incoherence, and his back-up plan which is a full-scale non compos mentis assault.
Her campaign effort was defined as significant by the Lamestream Press, considering that the average attendance at her own appearances as a vice-presidential candidate without Good Ole Joe, was in neighbourhood of between 52 and 30. Our figures might be a little off…but for sure, not by much. After Joe is sent back to his basement of choice, Kamalalala will be in charge, in spite of the fact that she is a one-note dunce. Pretty soon it all runs together and makes less sense than no sense.
The time has come to stand or forget about it.
The normal classes of Americans are now met by the mountain. I begin by establishing a new nomenclature for the identity of Republican and / or Conservative persons. We are dismayed and troubled by the Hallowed Ones who "have it all" and still have a certain disdain against their fellow party members who might have oily grease under their fingernails. Even though they at times talk as would an Elephant, act as would an Elephant, and participate as would a member of the herd, they are aloof and removed from those of us who are merely Elephants. And they are quick to concede to the leftists many wishes and demands for "reasonable compromise" when negotiating funding and taxing issues.
One of the few exceptions about our royalty, perhaps, George Prescott Bush, the nephew of King George II, the grandson of King George the First. George Prescott Bush served eight months in on the ground in Afghanistan as a Naval Officer. He attended and graduated from Rice University and dirtied his hands and uniform as a member of Rice's baseball team. He took a degree in law from the University of Texas. He must be a purebred aristocratic Elephant because his mother's origins are in Mexico, in the State of Guanajuato and many of this grandfathers hail from Massachusetts over many generations.
George Prescott Bush, however, unlike almost all the Bush's…was born on Sacred Soil…Texas. And, as frequently happens, a person becomes a mix of all his / her biology, cultural experience, and such things. Conscience is usually beneficial. So, some might be surprised, this writer feels relatively comfortable with the presence of George Prescott Bush assuming high position. Put more simply, it seems to me that his rightward bearing overbears his bearing to the leftward.
We shall sign off as of this moment. Further matters concerning this topic will be forthcoming.