The time came and the time went. Three hundred and thirty some-odd humans, all members of a club known as the United States of America, managed to put on a great show for all who cared to witness it. One is an old mendacious fool who has played the role of being a barnacle worm for several score years. He resides in a basement when he is not doing "nothing"…and like me…he dearly loves riding passenger trains.
He can deliver a speech that would astound any listener or observer. The incoherence of his speeches are usually worth the tragi-comic entertainment value put forth. It would be more justifiable if the speaker could speak coherently and not suddenly slide into a prepositional phrase tying trade negotiations with South America to the need to provide new types of parrot food during this period of coronavirus threats.
Enthralled, I deepen my interest when the television screen begins to reveal the reality that this candidate giving pretence to the Presidency of the United States by speaking to a crowd in some forsaken, unkempt meadow, with nine or so "reporters" standing in chalk delineated circles, easily separated by 15 feet of vacancy. Another large pod of onlookers numbering perhaps 300 souls lent tepid applause every now and then when the visiting speaker paused to prepare another incomprehensible salvo of blabber. This poor writer actually feels sorry for all…the presenters, the supporters, the reporters…and even myself for having wasted some of life's time on the display.
Wonder Boy, famed for the quote,"…tell Vladimir that after my election I'll have more flexibility about the arms thing…" _______________ |
Red Chinese entrepeneurs and politicians seem unnaturally drawn to our friend and his children for no real reason beyond just plain friendship or perhaps hobnobbing. Of course there are those who say that our star, previously having served Barak Hussein O'bama as Vice-President of the United States, has taken advantage of certain important interrelationships with overseas despots, crooks, and cronies. After reviewing the works of (Sir Edmund)Hillary and Barry Soetoro, our new leader, Uncle Joe, views himself as a Gift to Delaware from Planet Earth.
He and his sons have been in a position to take advantage of foreign industrialists' desire to have quick and solid access to American manufacturing and business big-shots. It's a good seat in the stadium when you can sit on the 49 yard line, near the action on and off the field, and hone the details of a multimillion dollar linkage between industrial strong men, while harvesting generous commissions from the industrial strong men. Sometimes, being a Vice-President can be a pretty cool hand, Luke.
Now that our old Vice-President is a newly elected President to be, and he has selected a blisteringly Red, angry, oppressed victim who will have her turn at lecturing the masses that a New Day has come to a country that will have its name freed from the title set by a white person…Amerigo Vespucci…who was the formost authority on the land mass that far to the west and who did much of the mapping about that huge territory of great interest to the scientific community in Europe. For some reason, this writer feels that there will be considerable effort, especially on the part of Madame Kamala Harris, to forward the policies of marxists, and to strike a new offensive against the free enterprise, common law way of social and economic arrangement that has made the United States the wealthiest and most innovative nation in the world. |
Amerigo Vespucci (b. 1454 - d. 1512)
Not a bad looking fellow and he was quite well to do. ________________ |
There is much available to study about Amerigo, and he truly was a thinker and scientist perhaps even superior to my great-grand Uncle Sir Isaac of English origin. What is truly amazing is the Cristobal Colon, another Italiano did all of his floating about from the precinct of Spain to the little known reaches of what would become known as the New World…in the 1490s when Amerigo was still wearing short britches.
One watches with incredulity while a veritable nincompoop defeats a Cecil B. DeMille size pool of candidates, each dumber than the previous one until, finally and mercifully, the Wise Ones of Progressivity choose good ole' Uncle Joe. And his Replacement, should he become, how does one say…incapacitated during his service…will be that wondrous intellectual Kamamalalala. Her Badge of Honour is that she came in 16th place during the Democrat Primary. There were 16 registered candidate, ranging from "everything should be free" proponents to "…feed all Republicans and Conservatives into the sausage grinder and let'er rip!!" proponents.
Really an upper drawer show. At least we have Justin Trudeau up in Canada to help the Americans learn the art of running a nation into bankruptcy. And Justin is just the guy because he hates America and Americans, mainly because they are not all socialists yet. Perhaps we could train him how to say,"…if you're not socialist, you're not black, man".
We now face the reality of 1984…the book. George Orwell, it is certain was a person disposed to ridicule the American concept, with all of the hypocrisy, pointless religious bilge, and other flotsam and jetsam of the Scientific Culture thrown in. Or was George simply trying to display the pointlessness of socialism of any kind? The arguments in the Student Union over of cups of coffee…with other upper level students…with the professorial class and so forth, Saints preserve us! I thought, during the middle 1960s. This even before the full flowering of the idiot hippies, nihilists, the "movement people"if the reader can imagine.
My time at Southwest Texas State University was truly wondrous. It became the 2nd largest public university in Texas, and its Graduate Record Examination score was higher than any Bachelor Degree'd Ivy League or prestige "pay for your grade" school. It was the time when George Bush the Son was flying interceptors after graduating from his Daddy's Ivy League University, and all the while ALGore was managing to master the in's and out's of Global Warming during the Global Kooling epoch.
Not long afterwards, he dumped his wife…it is said because he felt like she was kinda dumpy. We add that George the Son did not make the highest grades at the two universities he attended but he did graduate, unlike Gore's spotty record.
Eric Arthur Blair aka / George Orwell (b. 1903 - d. 1950)
Amerigo Vespucci was more handsome, and was more wealthy than George, but George was a "cool hand Luke". And he made a lot of money with his typewriter and reams of paper. __________________ |
George Orwell, pictured left, was a short-lived event unto itself. He wrote considerably about the true socialism. He spoke about it. His moral and academic impulse was to use the word "socialism" in the correct way and not as a mindless War Against Rich and Heavy Industry-type people.
To which I respond, "But, really George…stop and think. Step back and look at what most socialists think socialism is." Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels used the word "socialism" as a "hand sanitiser" very frequently. They actually were very committed to violent Revolution by the Common Man. Forced equality was much better than the "hope for a miracle" equality. Truth be known, 1984 and Animal Farm were books that revealed a man very similar to Thomas Jefferson in terms of the construct of his thought, beliefs, and aspirations.
Conservatives, who were unsuspecting, and thinking that being British and all, Eric Arthur would enjoy his intelligence and comfortable social position, and all actually stemmed from a politically conservative viewpoint. Truth be known, your humble servant, back at University did, in fact, actually read a couple, perhaps three, of George Orwell's books, and assumed that Orwell had begun to develop a more conservative philosophy. Sometimes I wonder about that matter even up into these times. And that is why this brief set of impressions, experiences, and thoughts is being put down for the keeping.
We have been through a political campaign that certainly has raised more questions than answers or solutions. I withdraw from the this rambling because of serious problems concerning a health issue of a very close family member, and my task now is to be at least a non-negative factor in what is required during these days. But I shall think quite a bit about a guy who thought he was a socialist, when he was defending (Homage to Catalonia) the Soviet backed communist ranks who were fighting Franco's forces backed by the Germans and the Italians back in the mid-1930s.
George Orwell's beat-up old Mauser rifle served little purpose where there was so little ammunition to start with. He was also blithely ignorant of the fact that the duplicitous Russian communists were trying to arrange for an "accidental" incident wherein the Russians would slaughter a bunch of foreign lefties because they thought the lefties were actually trying to mislead the Russians who were in the area of Catalonia and the Basque country. Truly…what a mess. One of Orwell's books, of course is the war story named "Homage to Catalonia".
We withdraw for a while. Back when the smoke clears and we take a new look at life.