Yesterday, pushed forward by hubris and haste, this writer committed a factual error. Failing to find someone to blame, it became apparent that only one person was guilty for the error. I found him in the bathroom cowering before the mirror.
It was stated, by me, in the blog of yesterday that the Speaker of the House and her minions managed to siphon off 75,000,000 dollars in the assault against the exchequer of the United States Treasury…for something I thought was for the Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts or some such thing. I was wrong…that amount was actually only 25,000,000 dollars…urgently needed because it is rarely used for any worthwhile purpose, and much of the plumbing no longer functions.
The 75,000,000 dollars was for the National Endowment for the Arts, which, we are informed has contributed over 800 BILLION dollars to the collective good since Father Lyndon Baines Johnson gave us the War on Poverty in 1965 and thereby made the World safe for democratic socialism for all. We remember Lyndon well, especially his morning dips in the White House pool, swimming au natural in front of the press corps, including the female members…real class…Thank the Lord he won that war in Viet Nam for us.
Therefore, we apologise for failing to point out to the American populous that Miss Nancy sponged up 100,000,000 dollars for something that should and must be privately funded, and not paid for by shaking out the working class and middle class Americans of their pocket change, bonus pay, investment gains, etc. It is not your money, Miz Nancy…
Your attention to this correction is heartily appreciated.
One thing that is forgotten by city folks…and through no fault of their own…is that once a crop is planted and risen up to see the sky, a critical set of manoeuvres must take place. Almost every type of vegetation that pops through the surface will have "little friends" who come along for the ride.
Those friends are known as "weeds" and they must be carefully eliminated with a V-blade plow, or better yet, hand-hoe'd by an intelligent and deft hoe - wielder. The photograph to the left shows the work being done correctly and deftly by experts.
Leaving the weeds will result in the diminishment of vitality of the main plant of interest…(the one that will go to market)…and in many cases, the weeds can choke the main plant of interest to death.
So, as they say in The South sometimes, "…there just ain't no good reason to keep weeds around 'cept to be feed'n the mules…".

A slightly less accurate, and perhaps quicker and cheaper in the long run is the V-blade cultivator. That device is mounted on a one, two, or a times a three bar "tree" and dragged through the pertinent field, carefully avoiding the invasion of any given row of "growies". It also requires very precise placement, and the maintenance of such placement for seemingly un-ending lengths of time. The longer the row, the more the driver sweats…because just a five or ten second lapse of attention can cut out 10 to 20 feet of plant root and stalk…not a good statement about the tractor operator. Oddly enough, before the time of tractors having enclosed cabins and/or roofs over the operator's head, my Father would drive the tractor standing up, sidewise to the row, watching back to the left and forward to the right as he went.
One of our Mexican workers had fashioned a rear view mirror from an old wrecked auto, and during his spare time, he welded it onto the body of the John Deere. There were many "adaptations" in those days. Now such things are called accessories or options. Perhaps this piece of writing is the preamble to my coming point…which might be called…"Different good ways to do similar things". One of the Hallmarks of the American Experience is that the parties who decide to "do things their own way" are the ones who have led America into self-sufficiency and self-reliance.
One of the things that cause the retrocession of independence and then cause the establishment of public assistance, welfare, food-fare, and rental subsidy magic shows, along with the concept of "free" this and that…is that certain notion that if the Central Government grants money to the disadvantaged or the downtrodden or the sullen, resentful malcontents those grants will quickly become permanent entitlements.
The cold-blooded move to transfer massive numbers of one or another ethnic or racial group by baiting said members of such groupings with public assistance and Aid to Families With Dependent Children - type (AFDC) programmes, was truly a cold-blooded manoeuvre. It was simply the effort by people of the ilk of the Southern Poverty Law Centre types to establish hostility and isolation among the hostages of those programmes.

Leaving the weeds will result in the diminishment of vitality of the main plant of interest…(the one that will go to market)…and in many cases, the weeds can choke the main plant of interest to death.
So, as they say in The South sometimes, "…there just ain't no good reason to keep weeds around 'cept to be feed'n the mules…".

A slightly less accurate, and perhaps quicker and cheaper in the long run is the V-blade cultivator. That device is mounted on a one, two, or a times a three bar "tree" and dragged through the pertinent field, carefully avoiding the invasion of any given row of "growies". It also requires very precise placement, and the maintenance of such placement for seemingly un-ending lengths of time. The longer the row, the more the driver sweats…because just a five or ten second lapse of attention can cut out 10 to 20 feet of plant root and stalk…not a good statement about the tractor operator. Oddly enough, before the time of tractors having enclosed cabins and/or roofs over the operator's head, my Father would drive the tractor standing up, sidewise to the row, watching back to the left and forward to the right as he went.
One of our Mexican workers had fashioned a rear view mirror from an old wrecked auto, and during his spare time, he welded it onto the body of the John Deere. There were many "adaptations" in those days. Now such things are called accessories or options. Perhaps this piece of writing is the preamble to my coming point…which might be called…"Different good ways to do similar things". One of the Hallmarks of the American Experience is that the parties who decide to "do things their own way" are the ones who have led America into self-sufficiency and self-reliance.
One of the things that cause the retrocession of independence and then cause the establishment of public assistance, welfare, food-fare, and rental subsidy magic shows, along with the concept of "free" this and that…is that certain notion that if the Central Government grants money to the disadvantaged or the downtrodden or the sullen, resentful malcontents those grants will quickly become permanent entitlements.
The cold-blooded move to transfer massive numbers of one or another ethnic or racial group by baiting said members of such groupings with public assistance and Aid to Families With Dependent Children - type (AFDC) programmes, was truly a cold-blooded manoeuvre. It was simply the effort by people of the ilk of the Southern Poverty Law Centre types to establish hostility and isolation among the hostages of those programmes.
My mother, and many others, admonished me to "be not judgemental". Perhaps, my mother would say, perhaps…you have the same mote in your eye that you say your neighbour has…
To any and all of that, I plead nolo contendere'…although it is very
probable that my mother and my various advisers were and are correct about this weakness as well as many others left to discretion at this point. The problem left on the table is that I am not the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States of America. That position is held by the least qualified person to have ever held the office, and there have been many imbeciles who have preceded her, but not to her level of…excellence, so to speak.
She is the master of mendacity, but fails in the sense that she thinks her wandering from the paths of truth and reality is unseen by the "masses". She becomes more bold as she wades deeper into the barge-loads of garbage-blab during her amazing "press conferences". Said press sessions are almost always replete with zombies who ask dumbo set-up questions and who are all successful graduates of the Hillary University School of Frontalobatomy.
Her Excellence notified everyone, just before the beginning of the ratification of the legislation that this would begin a frightful but wondrous journey through the maze of regulations and law relating to the funding of the Recovery.
This past Friday, Speaker Pelosi reminded everyone present that she had managed to convert Trump's Businessmens' Subsidies and Secret Republican Siphoning Act into a Working Person's Manifesto of Liberty and Free Money! When she waited for the applause line from her body of lackeys in the Lower Chamber, there were perhaps three or four people who air-clapping, embarrassed by the ridiculous "welcoming statement" by her majesty.
She will have to wait until sometime down the road before she can pass the law that requires that all underaged girls will be required to attend classes at Planned Parenthood about "The Happy Wonders of Abortion"…but at least she did manage to save the economy by globbing on useless millions and millions of other peoples' money to do something for the Kennedy Skate-0-Rama and Ice Hockey Stadium…or something like that.
And we beg the indulgence of the reader…but if anyone thinks that the Kennedy Centre was considered…it's a sham rumour…don't be silly. Even Politico referred to the event as something akin to the harvesting of windmills!!! The taxpayers were kneecapped to the tune of 75,000,000 Greenbacks to placate Nancy.
It's nice for Nancy and her team had the magnanimous natural instinct to provide a place of recreation for the poor…such as the Kennedy Centre because everyone knows that it is one of the few places where people can play mid-night basketball at no charge…neither to the players nor the people in the stands (seats?). And it's all Free because the government pays for it. (?)
Returning to matters of seriousness, it will reasonably seem that this writer, a completely unreconstructed rightwing budget-balancer, should be howling at the moon over this new budget manoeuvre. In truth, I am not overjoyed, elated, or even somewhat pleased with it. It is recognised by your humble servant, in any regard, that much of this relocation, translocation, location, and dislocation of funds and funding is actually going in a circular direction in almost all cases.
There is considerable recovery, and much much of the "family oriented" money is going into banks, checking accounts, purchases to make up for what was neglected during the "Wuhan inconvenience". Wealth recovery and significant long-term elaboration of things, places, and military goodies are heavily represented in this "controlled madness". And, essentially it will possibly help put a "disc-brake of reason" in the near and next-generational layout of debt service and budgetary considerations.
If there is a "disc-brake of reason", and I believe there will be at least a variation of such a thing…the productive power of the American disposition to produce and produce quality will take up some of the slack caused by over-spending. We have been doing it, recently, for the past 20 years, and for much of the previous century.
That such a tawdry analysis might further be explained, please remember that there are several score…or hundred nations who are practicing Magic Deficit Accounting at a pace even more destructive than the Gringos. Even the Japanese have painted themselves into the Deficit Closet. The Red Chinese, truth be known, are in a terrible financial quandary, and every nation in South and Central America is nearly in ruin…. Ecuador and especially Venezuela are close to total implosion…Cuba hasn't existed as a viable entity for the past 40 years…and every time it sinks lower, things start to sink even lower. Venezuela cannot make it to 2022 with Maduro, for instance. He has already arranged three or four places in Europe where he
will "vacation" and where he will be able to count his money in various banks that accommodate slobs who shovel money into foreign banks in order to have a nice "retirement".
Imagine that slob that looked like a horse fly who murdered thousands of his own people…not the scumbag Saddam Hussein…I refer to Yasir Arafat…the man who looked for all the world like a human fly.
Blowhards and analysts could
never agree the extent of Arafat's extortion and theft of moneys-not-his. He did have people who would inter money with certain banks under various names. His horribly arrogant and hideous wife flopped into Paris and lived off some of that fat for a bit…we have not heard about or from her for quite a while…perhaps she DID have something to do with the manipulation of deposits and so forth after Yasser died. The Tunisian government, which is actually somewhat dependable in these matters, declares that the widow of Arafat was more interested in the money he left behind in multiple places, and less concerned about Yasser having a happy eternity.
To the left we find people who like people…are the most wonderful people in the world…People, people who love people…
OH!!! Excuse me, I was distracted for a moment. It does seem to be a great moment in the history of the stars and the people who make things work.
To the left one can take note of the wine-taster for Uncle Yasser, next from left to right, is fellow Oxford Alum who helps Yasser with certain difficult words and phrases and other things such as helping Yasser shave and bathe every six weeks or so (back in the day). The harem girls to the right are happy to be at Yasser's children's Forth of July Christmas Party.
But, returning to the serious side of things, our finances and shadow-boxing
on the theatre of international finance and fighting the Democrats on taxation imperatives they hold so dear, will all shake out in our favour. Once the green begins to flow…to families, businesses, to financial institutions, to projects of a capital nature, like the restructuring of Boeing and the up-grading of our military…things will fall into place simply because of the positive inertia and activity for which Americans are famous.
We shall have more commentary in a bit.
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Please do not show this picture to small children. _________________ |
She is the master of mendacity, but fails in the sense that she thinks her wandering from the paths of truth and reality is unseen by the "masses". She becomes more bold as she wades deeper into the barge-loads of garbage-blab during her amazing "press conferences". Said press sessions are almost always replete with zombies who ask dumbo set-up questions and who are all successful graduates of the Hillary University School of Frontalobatomy.
Her Excellence notified everyone, just before the beginning of the ratification of the legislation that this would begin a frightful but wondrous journey through the maze of regulations and law relating to the funding of the Recovery.
This past Friday, Speaker Pelosi reminded everyone present that she had managed to convert Trump's Businessmens' Subsidies and Secret Republican Siphoning Act into a Working Person's Manifesto of Liberty and Free Money! When she waited for the applause line from her body of lackeys in the Lower Chamber, there were perhaps three or four people who air-clapping, embarrassed by the ridiculous "welcoming statement" by her majesty.
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Extra personnel is called in to control the hordes of visitors and events-attendees at the Kennedy Centre _____________________________ |
She will have to wait until sometime down the road before she can pass the law that requires that all underaged girls will be required to attend classes at Planned Parenthood about "The Happy Wonders of Abortion"…but at least she did manage to save the economy by globbing on useless millions and millions of other peoples' money to do something for the Kennedy Skate-0-Rama and Ice Hockey Stadium…or something like that.
And we beg the indulgence of the reader…but if anyone thinks that the Kennedy Centre was considered…it's a sham rumour…don't be silly. Even Politico referred to the event as something akin to the harvesting of windmills!!! The taxpayers were kneecapped to the tune of 75,000,000 Greenbacks to placate Nancy.
It's nice for Nancy and her team had the magnanimous natural instinct to provide a place of recreation for the poor…such as the Kennedy Centre because everyone knows that it is one of the few places where people can play mid-night basketball at no charge…neither to the players nor the people in the stands (seats?). And it's all Free because the government pays for it. (?)
Returning to matters of seriousness, it will reasonably seem that this writer, a completely unreconstructed rightwing budget-balancer, should be howling at the moon over this new budget manoeuvre. In truth, I am not overjoyed, elated, or even somewhat pleased with it. It is recognised by your humble servant, in any regard, that much of this relocation, translocation, location, and dislocation of funds and funding is actually going in a circular direction in almost all cases.
There is considerable recovery, and much much of the "family oriented" money is going into banks, checking accounts, purchases to make up for what was neglected during the "Wuhan inconvenience". Wealth recovery and significant long-term elaboration of things, places, and military goodies are heavily represented in this "controlled madness". And, essentially it will possibly help put a "disc-brake of reason" in the near and next-generational layout of debt service and budgetary considerations.
If there is a "disc-brake of reason", and I believe there will be at least a variation of such a thing…the productive power of the American disposition to produce and produce quality will take up some of the slack caused by over-spending. We have been doing it, recently, for the past 20 years, and for much of the previous century.
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I told you I wanted two slices of cheese on my Arafatburger…and I want it now!!! ___________________________ |
Imagine that slob that looked like a horse fly who murdered thousands of his own people…not the scumbag Saddam Hussein…I refer to Yasir Arafat…the man who looked for all the world like a human fly.
Blowhards and analysts could
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Just learned that Tunisia has filed charges for fraud of her husband's stolen money… _____________________________ |
To the left we find people who like people…are the most wonderful people in the world…People, people who love people…
OH!!! Excuse me, I was distracted for a moment. It does seem to be a great moment in the history of the stars and the people who make things work.
To the left one can take note of the wine-taster for Uncle Yasser, next from left to right, is fellow Oxford Alum who helps Yasser with certain difficult words and phrases and other things such as helping Yasser shave and bathe every six weeks or so (back in the day). The harem girls to the right are happy to be at Yasser's children's Forth of July Christmas Party.
But, returning to the serious side of things, our finances and shadow-boxing
on the theatre of international finance and fighting the Democrats on taxation imperatives they hold so dear, will all shake out in our favour. Once the green begins to flow…to families, businesses, to financial institutions, to projects of a capital nature, like the restructuring of Boeing and the up-grading of our military…things will fall into place simply because of the positive inertia and activity for which Americans are famous.
We shall have more commentary in a bit.