This information fell onto the stage of present-day entertainment yesterday. Donald Trump, during the early morning hours, determined that since pushing tariffs off on the Red Communist Chinese did not work all that well, it might be time to have similar success by pushing the Mexicans around a little bit. It could be considered a first step to making the Mexicans "pay for the Wall".
There are a few problems. The American government has managed to repatriate about 3,000 illegal aliens back to Central America. Some were scumbags who had active wants and warrants for felonies committed back in Guatemala, Honduras, and/or El Salvador.
The Mexican military and other agencies of said government and social structure have managed managed to deport 23,200 illegal aliens…the vast majority being from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala.
The Mexican military and other agencies of said government and social structure have managed managed to deport 23,200 illegal aliens…the vast majority being from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala.
This leads us into the Brea Tar Pits, because we have no set law about what to do to illegal aliens who come onto American and Texian soil expecting to be allowed to stay in Texas or America simply by saying that they were persecuted and living in violent circumstances.
The fact is, lamentably, that we have invited these unqualified people to the banquet and challenge of the American way of life. The uninvited slobs who demand and require, but who do not respect, anything except their own desire to procreate, eat and sleep, and take...give the American public some difficult problems to solve.
The fact is, lamentably, that we have invited these unqualified people to the banquet and challenge of the American way of life. The uninvited slobs who demand and require, but who do not respect, anything except their own desire to procreate, eat and sleep, and take...give the American public some difficult problems to solve.
The Obsolete Press…even FOXNews…does not wish to point out that these "caravans (a stupid word, meaning something completely different)" are normally composed of 65 per cent unattached males between the ages of 12 to 35. Many have active wants and warrants. About 25 per cent are women and young girls…many of whom are pregnant or intending to be pregnant with the intention of whelping on American soil. That seals their access to free food, free housing, free medical care, free school, free legal representation, free everything…forever. The women know, from their aunts and older sisters, that the Gringos are "obligated" to give everything to a woman who has babies on American soil.
And it is true, in almost all cases, that we must give all these things to the poor, downtrodden women who have been forced upon, who have no skills, who have only necessity, because…after all…"who is going to feed all these babies?".
And it is true, in almost all cases, that we must give all these things to the poor, downtrodden women who have been forced upon, who have no skills, who have only necessity, because…after all…"who is going to feed all these babies?".
During the past five years, the number of Mexican citizens many of them legally in the United States and Texas, have been going back into Mexico. Most are returning to home-ground…and the biggest problem might be that some of the younger children they might have cannot speak Spanish. This problem normally resolves itself, because the English-speaking Mexican returnee children almost uniformly begin to pick up correct Spanish in short order.
Oddly enough, Mexico is receiving hundreds upon thousands of Americans (and a few Canadians) who are retiring or semi-retiring in Mexico. And these are not "time-shares" or people looking for 17 room palaces for 100 dollars / month. There are now approximately one million Gringos living either permanently or on a semi-permanent, come-and-go basis.
Your humble servant and his boss (wife) own a very nice, rustic, rural home in the middle of NoWhere, Mexico that we built ourselves about 20 years ago. It borders upon the preposterous the number of different bird species we have, and the pleasantries we have shared with the with the locals, and the potentates from Ciudad Victoria (capital of the State, 30 miles away), and "normal" people from the American catchment, and foreign visitors and guests, and the perpetually flowing, spring-fed, Rio Corona…lined with ancient Cypress trees…some approaching 1, 300 years of age (or more).
Please understand that this was not a house-building due to some whim…our family had been in the area frequently, and we were the first, back in the 1952 - 1953 period. My "boss" handled all the small stuff, like the IRS, and the delivery of highly classified and valuable paper that he barely knew…(I told her it was 'okay'")…we never violated any law or dictate of the Hebrew or Christian understanding of normalcy. We handled many thousands of tourism documents including all of the above-mentioned valuable papers.
Our little adobe hut has been a refuge for bird-watchers and people searching for a hidden place where tranquility and preferred boredom can actually be found. We shall point out some of our place so as to assure the folks reading that we have a place in Mexico, experience with Mexico that is considerable and generational. Our particular place is intentionally built in the ancient manner. These are pictures of the guest room and grounds, designed to give the reasonable inquirer some idea of what we are talking about in terms of being familiar with and doing business in Mexico.
Our main point to-day is to vigorously urge that the President forego any consideration of imposing tariffs of any kind on Mexico (or Canada). The Mexicans have, regardless to what is thought or declared on certain television outlets, deported about a quarter of a million Centroamericanos during the past three or four years.
The Mexicans have lost about 500 Mexican Army and Mexican Naval Infantry forces in the combatting of organised kidnapping and drug trafficking and general combat with the cartels. Another number of around 250 "semi-honest" and honest cops in Mexico have died in this same effort. These forces have been as active as one can reasonably expect considering the mass of humanity that is rushing the American border.
Please understand that Mexico has had a net re-entry of Mexicans who were both legally and illegally in the United States that far exceeds illegal Mexican entrant into the United States. The Central Americans, as illegal aliens, outnumber Mexicans now by an almost nine-to-one ratio. Please understand that Mexico's population of 130,000,000 dwarfs the combined populations of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras with a total of 32,000,000 all put together.
There are about 19,000,000 Mexicans who have entry permits…some are for one-county deep, most are for full coverage of the United States. Of that group, 99.9% apparently come and go in compliance with their documents. Central Americans? Not so much…

Mexico is the number one trade partner with Texas and the number two trade partner with the United States. Any tariff impact can be extremely damaging to the interests of business and labour in those two entities. To give folks an idea of the trade back and forth twixt Texas and Mexico, the both-ways import and export comes up to almost 800,000,000,000 (800 billion) dollars per year.
Mexico is not the Land of Mañana with the fellow sleeping up against the cactus. It is an incredibly complex country with many corners, bright places, dark places, problems, and solutions. There is no reason to punish them for not doing everything perfectly when we ourselves have allowed one stupidity after another in terms of immigration policy…and done nothing about it, especially in the lower house of the American Congress…
There are about 19,000,000 Mexicans who have entry permits…some are for one-county deep, most are for full coverage of the United States. Of that group, 99.9% apparently come and go in compliance with their documents. Central Americans? Not so much…

Mexico is the number one trade partner with Texas and the number two trade partner with the United States. Any tariff impact can be extremely damaging to the interests of business and labour in those two entities. To give folks an idea of the trade back and forth twixt Texas and Mexico, the both-ways import and export comes up to almost 800,000,000,000 (800 billion) dollars per year.
Mexico is not the Land of Mañana with the fellow sleeping up against the cactus. It is an incredibly complex country with many corners, bright places, dark places, problems, and solutions. There is no reason to punish them for not doing everything perfectly when we ourselves have allowed one stupidity after another in terms of immigration policy…and done nothing about it, especially in the lower house of the American Congress…