We have delayed much of what will follow, simply because we have had quite a bit of urgent and moderately demanding medical matters combined with weather events and necessities of our little mud hut in the middle of NoWhere, Mexico. We try our best to resist the urge to pontificate and howl at the moon about things such as Natural Law, Truth, and Normalcy. BUT, these things used to be a staple of the American fabric and now are becoming rarer and rarer commodities in the panoply of our peculiar Brave New Culture
To-day, perversity and avarice are thought to be normalcy, and normalcy is thought to be perverse. There is now a majority in my opinion who have no catechism, but who think that people who do not believe homosexuals can marry and "have children" are evil and bad and backwards, and "racists", and immoral. I and various of mine over the years, have never raised a hand against a homosexual of either or any sexual orientation.
But we are considered to be the "perverts and deviates". So…gradually all of this leads onto the matter of immigration. The media people…at all levels…refer to the people arriving from Central America a "migrants". In no wise can these people qualify as migrants.
Stop and think for a moment. Back when Americans could still speak some for of English commonly understood by 95 per cent of the populace, migration was something done by birds…flying from Canada to Mexico as well as Central and South America for the Winter, and back to their matrimonial strutting and chirping in Canada and elsewhere in the northern areas of North America for the late Spring and Summer.
Perhaps the "Snowbirds" and other Yankees who come down for the Winter months and go back to Gomer Heights, Iowa and Saint Anthony, Minnesota can be considered "migrants" because they go and come.for instance, to the invasion of Texas by globs of stumbling, stupid, dull, demanding, arrogant, presumptuous glubs…globs of glubs…who have rushed the Frontier of Texas.
That is a concentrated and condensed form of the nature of migrancy. Go and come, come and go, in a repetitive and substantially predictable way. The Italians, and Irish, and millions other who arrived here with a letter promissory, a letter of recommendation from a parish priest and/or a grandmother, and a piece of paper from an American consulate somewhere in the World were not "migrants"…they were emigres as they left and immigrants when they arrived at New York Harbour on the Hudson. An emigre' is a person who is leaving his homeland or his / her place in his culture. An immigrant is a person who is intending to stay at that place where he / she has arrived.
Now, allow us to seal the deal.
The chant of the nouveaux Roman Catholic - pseudo Jesuit strike force. The Jesuit New Wave people and those who "know" that there is a "new catechism" for those who have suffered judgementalism and hatred and essentially being treated in a meanie-poo way…they know that there is a new Catechism.
"Do unto yourself so that all others can be blamed", or
"Bring blame upon the Gentiles because they have, and we do not, or
"All who have, must give that portion and starve, so that we can continue as we wish! Those who cleave one man to one woman are fools, or
"We demand our free space and that we be adored. We demand to have free food, free housing, free schools, free medical services, although we lack any interest in legal procreation or parental responsibility! We demand it and we demand it now!!!"
But yes, Virginia, there are illegal people. As is a home, so is a nation. We are allowed to determine who will enter our homes and we are allowed to determine who must be dismissed. When this admonition is applied to a national scale and disregarded as a form of self-protection, then the culture and the its various societies are in very severe jeopardy, if not ruin.
EL GRINGO VIEJO has certain very high markers about his attitudes concerning normalcy. Almost above all else is citizenship. Subservience to the orders of the Almighty must take precedence over all else. But to be true to the land in which one lives…any honest Jew or Christian…it is a "no brainer". Especially it is a "no brainer" when one considers that our "Laws of Caesar" were false and the law of Moses given by Yahweh turned out to be much more powerful.
For instance, the Romans granted all order of increased privileges to the invading class during the third century A.D. Many of the slaves began to strut about as though they were people with special privilege. The Roman hierarchy did everything possible to buy off their indolence and violent, un-controlled and indisciplined scuz-bucket hangers-on.
Many of the foreign personalities, slave and free, acted as though they were Roman citizens. They were entertained with lions eating Christians in the Colosseum, and gladiators beating each others' brains out along with spewing the guts of men who had, up until yesterday, were friends, one of the other.
We comment upon this matter as one who was born and has lived on the Frontier of the Mexican and Texian border for lo, these many years (72). To-day, among the CentroAmericanos, we see slobs, dullards, Mara Salvatrucha - 13 and similar males, ages 10 - 35 who have only one intention upon arriving in Gringolandia. Steal, brutalise, rape, take, destroy, use all nature and manner of alcohol and drugs, and sexually assault, disfigure, and destroy…destroy…destroy…and then laugh like hyenas and begin the next opportunity to rape, disfigure, destroy, so that the people will fear them and quiver while huddled in a dark corner of their hovel. This is not a hollow joke.
These Central Americans were not like the Mexicans with whom we dealt in the days of yore. The native and recently arrived during the disorders of the Mexican Revolution and the Cristeros Wars (1910 - 1926) still had the people with considerable basic Christian understanding about how to deal with the realities of life. Those and the Spanish Colonials from the 1750s, who chose not to leave when the Gringos went by during the Mexican - American War, provided a very clear understanding of what loyalty and reasonable resistance meant, as well as compliance.
My mother and father…and my maternal grandparents…always pointed out that the Latins who were "de planta" (who were already there on the Texas Frontier with Mexico), provided the true and perfect example of a cultural matrix for Catholic, Protestant, and Jew alike.
The people who are coming up from Honduras, El Salvador, and to a lesser extent Guatemala during these times, are in their 75 per cent, frauds. Please do not doubt this. If you doubt it, you are jeopardising your children and yourself.
They are not migrants!…as are the birds who fly to the north in the summer and to the south in winter. Those are the migrants.
These people trundling up to be arrested by the Border Patrol, THEY ARE INVADERS, looking to barge in and steal, take, and consume whatever largesse the various local and State governments wish to give and then melt into the darkness of various locales where they will join that mass of the unknown, like Obama's Uncle Onyango and Auntie Zietuni in Massachusetts, living off of the largesse of the productive classes (only 40,000,000,000 dollars and growing). Such a formula can only last so long…then, finally, everything will collapse as it did during the Roman Epoch.
Lev Davidovich
(aka - Leon Trotsky) 1879 - 1940
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They are slugs who want the Gringos to pay back what they have stolen, according to the Jesuits of the Order of the Liberation Theology. The Jesuits who began to change their orientation to the celestial and Heavenly shortly after the foundation of the order by Saint Ignatius of Loyola. He would not recognise his intellectual progeny to-day, however…as soldiers in the Army of the Pope. That Army steadily moved from "defending the Indians and the Poor" and the fusing of Christianity to Buddhism until finally it arrived to the Ultimate Goal…that being "Liberation Theology"…the cure to all ills. Liberation Theology, for those who are not clear about it, is Latin for "Mandatory Socialism"(sideways humour).
That very radical theology, (which became vogue during these recent times at the international boundary between the United States and the world) teaches it was not Jesus of Nazareth who brought salvation to the faithful, but Karl Marx and the other Great Thinkers like Frederich Engles. The Jesuits have the waft of fragrances left by the presence of Lev Davidovich Bronshtein (AKA: Leonid Trotsky). He was a nice Jewish boy from the Ukraine who ran afoul of the Romanoff Dynasty (Russian Royals for 400 years) as a young man.
He became a resister and suffered banishment to a prison camp in the Siberian outback. He escaped (all Jews are shrewd, sharp, and smarter than other white people, right?) and joined the socialist movement. The Romanoffs were felled and assassinated in the most cowardly way…women and children guilty of having been born to title, slaughtered…and then the "liberators" established the communist guiding hand over Mother Russia and various of the political dependencies who still quake when they see a Russian license plate driving through their town.
Add captionDiego and Frida at one of their calmer moments. __________________________________ |
Trotsky rose rapidly in the Russian labyrinth of corruption, wheeling, dealing, avarice, and slaughter. As Secretary of War, Trotsky presided over forgetting to set free White Army veterans who had been detained during their loss to the Red Army. Somehow or another almost all of themwere executed (slaughtered) without cause.
Trotsky also made the mistake of confronting Joseph Stalin (The Man of Steel) in a political issue, and then decided to go to Mexico where there was a thriving socialist movement underway, and Stalin's shadow could have little effect. Or not/Frida's last moments above ground, which was the Palace of Fine Arts. The Mexican central government denied that she was a communist…declaring that she was a friend of Leon Trotsky, and nothing more.
Suffice it to say that Frida Kahlo de Rivera was a mediocre, at best, artist. She did only 160 works or so, and eight per cent of those were "self-portraits".
It was said that the only time she was happy was when she had visitors from New York City, where she lived briefly with Diego, and could take her "Anglo-American sisters in crime" to the Garibaldi Plaza…a low-level, decent red-light district in the middle of downtown-most Mexico City. (Frida was born an Hungaro - Austrian - Mexican Indian eastern European type, to a Germano-Hungarian father and a three-quarters white and one quarter Tlaxcalan or Zapotec mother) arrive in Mexico at the age of 6. She was, perhaps, like many Southerners in Dixie, a person with Indian blood.
There, in the loose rules of Garibaldi, they would convivial until all hours…sometimes returning to the reality of reality at dawn. They would cackle and scratch, drinking the best of the house reserves of aged (100 years) which would cost 3 pesos at that time (one dollar and fifty cents American in those times) tequila and Cuban rum (some from Izucar de Matamoros, Puebla, Mexico, and the rest from Cuba) and continuous hors d'oeuvres prepared by Parisienne-level chefs.
It was a party, see-to-be-seen place in those days, and Frida loved being a member of the "seen" part. Her New York girl-friends were troubled by her commie orientation, but she dismissed that, with a "Eat, Drink, and Be Merry" flippancy that "…nobody really believes in any of that "stuff."
She had been exposed to the New York social scene back when Diego had been called to Rockefeller Centre to do some murals. Most, because of their commie orientation were later erased, by the Rockefellers, but some were reproduced in the Palace of Government in Mexico City. There the facts….and the not-so-facts….as the extreme leftists wished to display their sentiments are available to admire by foreigners who very frequently do not understand the undertones.
We would be more than glad to explain each of the depictions but that would take the entirety of a day…which I frequently did…with my tourism clients. Incredibly, in Mexico City…one day - one site…yes, it is more than possible…even necessary. (Actually, the full explanation of all the panels could easily take two semesters of advanced geopolitical and socio-cultural explanations).
Do not go to Mexico City unless you do the 10 basic stops. Do not go unless you have at least ten days to squander.
The Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Metropolitan Cathedral, the Pyramids of Teotihuecan, the silly Xochimilco "Floating Gardens"…silly but very, very necessary…side trip to Taxco / Cuernavaca…the National Folklore Ballet at the Palace of Fine Arts…the Palace of Chapultepec and a million other things.
The people of all classes and racial mixtures are quick, arrogant, busy, and very, very generous and civilised. Speak English slowly and it is amazing how they understand you perfectly…Speak Spanish poorly and they will laud and magnify your name, correct you, and continue with the conversation. All of this with a straight, dry face.
While the stuff in blue above was meant to set all at ease, it was true that extreme elements circled all about Mexico at that time. But no matter what, in the life and times of La Señora Frida she never paid part nor parcel of the evening and early morning bills when her "American Sisters" came down….not bar bills...nor the taxis….nothing…!!
Perhaps we can remember the words of El Gringo Viejo from a long, long time ago. To wit:
Would it be at all possible, now that there seems to be a few cracks in the wall, to have the Border Patrol, or BFI, or somebody go and pick up Auntie Zietuni and Uncle Omar Onyango to be removed to the detention and await their deportation.....tomorrow?
Their possessions should be removed because they have lived, supported to a level they could never have comprehended in their homeland, by invading the systems of public welfare and assistance that is provided to slugs, dregs, and bums who want somebody to buy their lottery tickets, food, medical, shelter, electricity, and manicures and hair extenders for them.
Auntie Zietuni and Uncle Omar are illegal aliens and orders of deportation have been issued twice for each of them. Highly paid attorneys from powerful and well connected firms have managed to obtain delays and/or appeals....while these two....who are actually furious that welfare and other public support has been insufficient for their liking....continue to rack up payments that are well on their way to 2,000,000 USD since their combined arrival in this horrid country that does not give enough to the immigrants who are the onliest ones who make this country great (supposedly).
Please do your own research on this. Zietuni Obama and Omar Onyango Obama. Google them up....it is much worse than your humble servant states it here.
We should point out that Auntie Zietuni died some time back, after running up a medical services bill for the people of Massachusetts (and the United States) of over 2,000,000 (am.cur.) just for herself. Her "free" public housing…a two bedroom, two bath arrangement many people in the upper middle class cannot afford…was her landing pad. She complained about that, and white people, and everything else. She blamed slavery and white people at every turn, like a clone of Maxine Waters.
Money was collected from somewhere to fly her carcass back to Kenya, but for some reason, there were no crowds throwing roses and flowers as her ambulance passed by the empty streets. It was probably the same legal firm that helped Uncle Onyango beat his DWI charges and his lack of legal status as an immigrant.
We are being played by a cabal of marxist groups and their number one ally, the Obsolete Press of the United States…in league with the leftist news outlets throughout the Western World…composed of normal looking people who hate normal people and society and culture. These are the types who can stop everything at a Broadway theatre and give lecture to the Vice-President of the United States (elect) about what a horrid person he is along with his boss the President - elect.
The hubris is astounding…stunning…and were it directed to the feet of (Sir Edmund)Hillary Rodham or Billy Jeff Blythe, or Heaven forbid, an icon so lofty as Sheila Jackson Lee… or Father O'bamaham, there would be riots and cracked store windows from sea to shining sea.
Folks…this entire border menace is a sham. "Unescorted minor children (redundancy?). Mommies lugging three or four differently shaped and coloured children? Teenagers with tattoos of various organised criminal organisations (MS13 and Callejon 18 principally) slink and shuffle with the "gang-style" walk and then show up as nice kids just looking for opportunity. IT IS ALL A SHAM.
It is absolutely, totally, and utterly required that all and any of these people be immediately deported once found…after this ridiculous dispersal from McAllen et.al. …and it is further ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY that it be made known that none of the babies plopped out on American or Texian soil be recognised as citizens of the United States of America or Texas. ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.
Further it is absolutely necessary that the crossing of the frontier by these illegal aliens (not migrants) has cancelled their legal return ad infinitum . AND, that any person who can be linked by blood or in-law relation to the third degree to a person who attempted to enter the United States or Texas as an illegal alien, is prohibited from gaining consideration as a tourist, legal alien, investor in American business, or as a candidate for American / Texian citizenship.
If 96% of the Mexicans and Canadians who work, visit, vacation, and shop in Gringoland can comply with these cumbersome rules and regulations, we can reasonably DEMAND the same from the Centroamericanos.
One of scores of incredibly well-executed depictions that pertain to the Spanish Conquest of Meso-America. All a gift, indirectly, of the Rockefeller Family and the hand of Diego Rivera…who was a wart on the face of Mexico, a dedicated commie, until he confessed at the end that he was a Christian (without prodding from ecclesiasticals) and that his first love was Mexico. Allow me to say that these works were/are remarkable, but his early works were inspired by a Higher Power, in my opinion. He was a true artistic genius. Renoir and Picasso could not do as well. __________________________________ |
We would like to be recognised as among those persons who can differentiate from a door-knob and a B-52 bomber.
Both your humble servant and his homologue…El Consuegro…have spent innumerable hours in Mexico without regret. There have been some "asuntos contrarios" but 99.999% of our hours have been without incident or concern. We even have patriotic feeling towards Mexico, due to the good to excellent treatment (and food and beer) that we have had to suffer over lo..these many years.
His wife (a sainted and incredibly talented person) travelled briefly with us in Mexico not long ago and never had anything but positive comments.
My wife is a 450 - year Valencian - Malaga Spanish colonial descendant from and of what would become northcentralmost Mexico. Her people were in Texas and stayed in Texas during all of the 'inconveniences" of 1846 - 1848. They are still here…serving as Department of Public Safety officers (Texas State Police), war veterans of WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, and points beyond as well as professionals and highly capacitated persons.. All the males were honourably discharged and garnered chestfuls of medals, (And yes, the women did do all the real work).
We are not "Meskin haters" in any sense. And those who suggest that any of the above has anything to do with anti - this race or anti - that ethnicity is full of buffalo grass. It is a matter of the Law…and a matter of qualification and eligibility. Please do not run and hide behind some convenient but false explanation for the above. Think about your own home…when you wake up and find six people in the kitchen waiting to be fed…because they came…..
What would you think at that hour of the morning?