Friday 17 July 2015

EL GRINGO VIEJO revises and extends remarks concerning Mexico and the Mexican Government


     IN THAT there may have been a bit of misunderstanding concerning the El Gringo Viejo's attitude concerning the Mexican Central Government in a recent and previous blog entry, we would like to make our sentiments known with greater clarity.   Fault lies with the writer, not the reader.

     While demonstrating that Donald Trump may be a billionaire, there is one thing that he is not.   He is not an expert of any kind concerning the infinite complexity, strengths, weaknesses, history, present composition, nor overall cultural projective ability of the central government of the United States of Mexico.

     To start, the Mexican central government, nor the 31 State governments, do not "send" the Mexican criminal class to the United States.  In the various offices of the Secretariat of Government, and the Secretariat of Exterior Relations,  Mexicans and Central Americans are exhorted, in fact, to avoid going to the United States of America and/or Canada in any illegal manner.   They are admonished not to use the services of "unauthorised" border-crossing assistants.  They are admonished not to go to the USA or Canada for the purpose of any illegal activity.
     There are radio and television advertisements that say the same thing, on different levels of comprehension.   The Mexican military flushes out people who are essentially being held hostage in safe houses in Reynosa, Laredo, and all along the border.   They clean the people up, and most frequently bus them down to Tapachula and dismiss them to the Guatemala entrance into Central America.
      The idea that the Mexican Government "sends" people with criminal intent and backgrounds to the United States is ludicrous.   What can be pointed out is that during the last fifteen years, requests for extraditions filed with the Mexican legal system have been met with increasing compliance.   This began in earnest during the term of Zedillo Ponce de Leon (PRI), continued through the regimens of Vincente Fox Quesada and Felipe Calderon Hinojosa (both PAN), and is still the rule de rigueur under the present administration of Ernesto Pena Nieto (PRI).
      What can also be pointed out is that Mexico during the past fifteen years, especially, has moved to the Right in terms of privatisation and de-nationalisation of industry and commerce steadily, while the United States, especially in the past five years has jumped into the boiling cauldron of acidic vomit of socialism with seeming abandon.  

THESE THINGS BEING SAID,  during this present administration of Pena Nieto, things started well enough.   But, in keeping with the normal nervousness that seemed to pervade the victory of the candidate of the old "Ruling Party" of Mexico and its 70 years stranglehold on the Los Pinos Presidential Estate, the government of Pena Nieto has steadily lost popularity.
    The Old Partido de la Revolucion Institucional (PRI) seems to have left an inescapable imprint on the chromosomes  and DNA of the New, Improved PRI.  It was my nervous belief, and the nervous belief of every literate, half-sober or more, Mexican.

     There is a parallel inertia going on while people run around in the confines of Los Pinos, apparently lobotomised, and make one stumble after another.  The very slight cut-back from aggressive action by the Naval Infantry and the Mexican Army sent a bad signal.   The "Cartels" have been and continue to be in disorder.   There are scores of "cartelitos" now, all badly led, composed of gaggles of drunken post-teenage illiterate thugs who are little more than street-corner ruffians with no souls.   They have continued to do a good job of killing themselves and setting themselves up to assault larger elements of better fighter (the Naval and the the Mexican Army), always with disasterous results.   The slightest lessening by the President of Mexico's pressure on the accelerator....turning away of interest and/or attention....failing to approve new initiatives for search and destroy and confrontation by the military seems to have co-incided with the building of the tunnel that will quite possibly lead to the castration of the Pena Nieto relevance as Presidente de la Republica.
     While business booms, the new labour unions prosper with freer negotiating authority and business at all levels steadily expands....perhaps it is well that a central, authoritarian, strong presidential presence is neither wanted, nor needed.    But it leaves the state of the War.   Once again, the forces of good are in the position of watching victory be squandered by people who have long been associated with being at times in collusion and at time tolerant of the "Cartel" activity.    I do not believe that the "new" Mexico, a two-trillion dollar economy Mexico wants to "share the stage" with a permanent class of extortionists and transporters of death poison.
     The populace wants the War continued to the furthest end that can be reached by human design and effort.  Elimination of all criminality anywhere is impossible, but to destroy the highly organized and massively lucrative activity can be  done by delivering repeated blows to ever diminishing cells and clics  of thugs.

That is the failure of the Pena Nieto Regime.  And, it is the opinion of this writer that the blow of the escape of El Chapo Guzman may have destroyed this administration....totally.   As I listened to the overnight radio in Texas and in Mexico during my last stay down at our little place on the side of the Sierra Madre Oriental, it became apparent that reasonably intellectually enabled Mexicans were disposed to be willing to accept or even demand the retirement of the present administration.
     There are two alternatives.  One would be a military junta holding power, leaving Congress and the Supreme Court intact and functioning and holding elections on the regular schedule, with the presidentials coming in a little less than three years;  and two, allowing the President to step down and installing,  as the Constitution prescribes, the President of the Supreme Court as President of Mexico pro-tempore.   These things are being talked about in the better saloons and restaurants, beauty parlours, family barbecues, and so forth even as I am writing these words.    That is the damage done by losing the greatest victory that could have been obtained.....the incarceration of a scumbag such as El Chapo Guzman.   The Army and Naval Infantry had wanted to keep the....individual....under military custody.   The OROGs can imagine the attitude of the military at this time. 

     Trump knows nothing of any of this.  He says the Mexican Government sends criminals to the USA.   He says Mexicans take American jobs.   The fact is that American labour unions and the unwillingness of American automakers to stand up to American labour unions is the engine driving the loss of American jobs.
     But even that is too much of a convenient explanation about jobs, commerce, and economic vitality.   The fact is that Texas and Mexico at this time have taken cross border economic/industrial activity from less than one hundred million USD in 1980 to what is now well in excess of one billion dollars per day, both ways, to-day.
     We deal with the Mexicans on a daily basis, and they deal with us.   During my time with our little property on the side of the Sierra Madre Oriental mountains I have had no corrupt dealings by the State or Central governments.   During a quarter of a century, while my wife and I operated a very nice deluxe excursion company throughout Mexico we had little or no issues with any level of Mexican government.    We have had adventures, even served as counsel in criminal and civil legal proceedings, with effectiveness and no bribes.
     We have dealt with the realities and there are many, many American operations, small and large in Mexico who derive profit for both Mexican and American interests due to their presence.   We have dealt with the silly Mexican posturing about hurt feelings and "concerns about the immigrants" in the United States, and we have dealt with certain ridiculous posturing by politicians from the United well as reporters....who pretend to be experts.

      I will assure one and all that Donald Trump does not know how bad the criminal illegal alien problem is in Texas.   It is far worse than he could understand.  He also does not know, less does he understand, how huge the economic activity between the Republic of Texas and the Republic of Mexico is during these days.    Were it not for the existence of Barrack Hussein Obama, our situation would be even better.   And yes, Governor Perry did act, and he did act effectively during the days of the Obama Invasion of the Unqualified of the Summer of 2014.   Mr. Trump did and said nothing about any of it until he could misconstrue and demagogue the issue and ridicule that which he chooses to not understand.

El Gringo Viejo.



As all of you on this distribution know, I am compulsive and one of my most recent indulgences is the Middle Eastern (Arab) philosophies and the differences between East and West cultures, politics and religions.

One of the most pertinent differences it that Muslims by belief and religion according to the Qur’an can only be “brothers” to other Muslims… never ever will it be otherwise.  The greeting between Muslims of “Assalam O Alaikum” per the Hadith is reserved for Muslims only.  Literally, it means “Peace be upon you” but culturally it is much more meaningful between Muslims.  Like a secret handshake or similar special meaning between special groups.  It means for you as a brother shall you have peace and the protection of Allah from evil and infidels.  Other cultures and religions and Kafirs may use the greeting but it only has a literal meaning for them.

Below is a very special way of understanding the Islamic view of Kafirs (non-Muslims).  They will always consider any non-Muslim the infidel no matter the ethnicity, politics, religion, agnosticism, atheism or other differentiation.  That is one thing we absolutely have to know in order to understand their monolithic theology and the duality of Islam.


"East is East and West is West"

By Major General Jerry Curry, USA, Ret

The great British newsman and poet Rudyard Kipling, understanding today's situation in Afghanistan better than our State Department wrote:

"I have eaten your bread and salt.
I have drunk your water and wine. The deaths ye died I’ve watched beside and the lives ye led were mine."

There are two points the President and the Secretaries of State and Defense may want to keep in mind as they evaluate future problems in the Mid-East and how to successfully address them. Both are easiest illustrated by real life happenings.

Point 1

Many years ago I attended the Infantry officer Advanced Course at Fort Benning, Georgia. Probably ten percent of the students attending that ten month course of instruction were from foreign countries.

For about half of the course my tablemate was an Arab. We studied together, completed homework assignments together, got to know each other's families and generally enjoyed each other's company. Part of that time we students were immersed in reading about, researching and discussing wars and problems of the Middle East. By this time my Arab classmate and I had, I thought, become close friends.
A question popped into my mind and without evaluating it I said, "I have a question to ask you, but you may find it a little impertinent, or perhaps, offensive."

"That's quite alright", he replied. "We know each other well enough to be honest with each other. So go ahead and ask your question."

"Well," I began, "Each time you Arabs start a war with Israel, they beat your socks off. Why don't you learn your lesson and quit making war on them?"

The words hadn't passed my lips before I felt that I shouldn't have asked that particular question. But I was wrong. My Arab officer friend didn't get angry.

He didn't even think before replying. "My dear friend," he said in his British accent, "You are absolutely right. Each time we attack the Israelis they whip us. But have you noticed that with each loss we get better. We get whipped not as badly as in the war before."

Then he got a faraway look in his eyes, pounded on the table and said, "Sometime in the next thousand years, we will win!"

Up until then I’d never thought in terms of a thousand years, and I don't think I'm very good at it today. But for those formulating foreign and defense policy for the nation, it is worth making the effort. For it’s difficult to think in terms of the immediate future while negotiating with a nation whose leaders are thinking in terms of hundreds or thousands of years.

Point 2.

During the 1st Gulf War, US and Arab forces fought side by side and some of the officers became close friends. When the war ended in victory there was a celebration in the Officer's Club with congratulations all around. A lot of handshaking and hugging was going on. It was a time of displaying real brotherly love.
Seeing this, one of the senior Arab generals felt the need to set the record straight. 

"Look," he said to a small cluster of American generals. "We’ve fought together and some of us have died together. I know you feel that makes us brothers. But that’s not the way it is in my world."  
He looked around the circle making eye contact with all of them.

"I don't want to see you hurt, so I need to share this with you. There will be no tomorrow for us jointly. No matter how much you have helped my country and you came and helped us when we desperately needed your help and no matter how friendly you feel toward us, we are still Muslims and you are still Christians. That means that in our eyes, we can never be brothers. I'm sorry, but to us, you will always be Infidels!"
Yes, we Infidels have liberated Iraq and Afghanistan, but we’ve not made their countries, nor their people, depositories of freedom and liberty.

No matter how hard we work to rebuild their govts, infrastructure, educational and medical institutions, and no matter how desperately they need our help, as the Arab general noted, we can never be brothers to each other.
Also, I learned what Kipling meant when he wrote: "East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet". He was pointing out to the western world that to Muslims, we Christians will always be Infidels!

Thursday 16 July 2015

Jamies Summertime, Summertime



     TO BEGIN,  there is now an idea that we have somehow won the war because one of the chief ghouls of Planned Parenthood declared, somewhat indiscreetly, that smashing aborted babies is a pro-forma activity for Planned Parenthood.  The process, long known to be an oft denied activity by Planned Parenthood, of being careful not to damage certain vital and valuable organs  for fun and profit, can be a pretty cool hand, dude.
     A few million Americans who had been ignorant of this practice by Planned Parenthood learned of the activity during the past 48 hours or so.   Most were revolted.  But did we see Planned Parenthood and Progressive acolytes and officers rending their robes, sitting in the ashes, and bewailing their manifold sins and wickedness?   No.
     They were snarly.   First they said it was all untrue....a lie.   And when the lie about it being a lie unravelled, in true Hillary and Progressive fashion, they said it was all the fault of the surreptitious nature of the recorders of the famous meal in the video where the Sacrifices to Baal were discussed with gusto over low-grade, gourmet wine and victuals.   The doctorette was obviously proud of her contribution to the human condition.
   The old lie about the need to have embryonic stem cells from human embryos was bumping around in various dark closets of the House of Lies of Christmases Past.  The Democrats who voted down the Lord God Yahweh in their last National Convention, were more than glad to show a very artificial film clip of Superman being restored from his paralysis by embryonic stem cell research in an earlier National Convention of the Mendacious.    Another hideous, ghoulish lie aimed at the stupid, the voluntarily uniformed, and the elitist progressives snips who think my granddaughters should pay for their Sandra Fluke's contraceptives.
       We remember when the professors were caught red-handed (is that a pun?), at the University of East Anglia, forging and outright inventing numbers that would show that the Planet was going to turn into a fireball in three weeks if George Bush was not evicerated, drawn, and quartered within the next 24 hours.
     When their lie was exposed and all their data proven to be a total lie, the Global Coolingwarmingclimatechange Movement People....the smart ones...said that it was the fault of the people who gained unauthorized access to the data and published it.  Those were the guilty ones, the ones telling the was their fault, and they should be made to pay.

     So, before we count the chicks, remember that in reality the eggs have not been put.   Nothing has changed.  Vince Foster is just as dead.   (Sir Edmund) Hillary's brother is still being the criminal he was born to be, but now as an erstwhile gold miner in Haiti.   His mine ownership status was assured by the backing of the Clinton Criminal Co-ordination Programme (CCCP), also known as the "Clinton Foundation".

     Everybody knows about it, so that's why they have to keep it secret.  So, once long as the Obsolete Press is reading the news to dolts, no eggs have been put.   Everything remains the same.

More Later,
El Gringo Viejo

Trump and the absurdity of it all

     It is disheartening to watch people respond to the absurd remarks and commentary made by Mr. Trump.   People, regular folks, who call themselves conservatives backing up a man whose philosophical compass seems to be attached to Molly Cyrus's mood machine.

     A message to the dolts in attendance at the rallye in Phoenix from a friendly, Old Gringo curmudgeon:   You all managed to serve as cannon fodder for a core-base liberal billionaire (Soros, Buffett, et al) to rant before a microphone one of the greatest assemblies of illogical phrases, contradictive sentences, and outright incorrect reasoning that it approximated the standard teleprompter bilge of Obama and (Sir Edmund) Hillary.
     Trump, even during his early Monday morning regular appearances on Fox and Friends every week, falls off the comfortable conservative talking points he tries to use while on that show.   A lot of Fox's audience may not be aware that Trump appears as a regular guest on PMSNBC, ABC, and all the pinko channels morning and afternoon  programmes.  While there, he melds into the comfort-zone of those estimable information vehicles.
       Every time he declares on FOX and/or during his "conquerer's rants" on the road that the Mexican Government is sending the unwanted of Mexico's population to the United States, this writer has to snicker.   Mr. Trump does not know or understand anything about the legal and/or illegal movement of people from Mexico into the United States or from the United States into Mexico.   The Mexican government knows only slightly more.

      A few true facts about movement of such people are listed below in no particular order:

     (1)     Consider this - In 2004, there was an average of 660,000 passenger crossings per day across 35 points of entry (POEs) on the 1,952-mile border between the United States and Mexico. Crossings by personal vehicles rose 43 percent between 1995 and 1999 and then fell 21 percent (to 191 million) by 2004. Almost 20 percent of passenger crossings into the United States from Mexico in 2004 were made on foot, while bus crossings only constituted 1.4 percent (3.4 million) of crossings from Mexico. In 2004 there were over 20 million pedestrian crossings in Texas alone. (Source: U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics).
     These figures are derived from Immigration and Naturalisation Service data of the period.   To-day the number of daily entries and departures have doubled.   It should be of interest that 99.99% of these folks cross in the morning and return in the early evening on a daily basis.   Their crime stats are almost identical to what might  be considered "normal" in terms of a general population mass in Texas. People crossing legally into Texas have complicated, biometric "laser-visas" and/or green cards authorising them to work or conduct other lucrative business activity.   These documents are obtained at American Consular and Embassy facilities at considerable cost in time and money.  Prince and pauper pay the same, and the documents are not cheap.

     (2)          Almost all the criminal element that arrives in Texas and the United States crosses illegally at impromptu crossing places...not at bridges with customs and immigration procedures and requirements.   These illegal crossers, including those with criminal intent, we can assume, probably one of every ten is a career criminal.  The others are not criminal but they are subject to abuse by recruiters who may or may not be involved in organised crime mainly found in the larger cities in the United States.  
     This does not sound so bad, but it represents a massive demographic and actuarial change from a period, let us say, back in the 1945 - 1965 period.   During those times, even the illegal alien element in the Mexican cohort in the Texas population had a similar criminal pattern as might have been found in the general universe of population in Texas at that time.
     We are only slightly humoured, for instance, to learn of the frenzy in response to the murder of that nice girl in San Francisco by some sub-human illegal alien, essentially according to the assailant, because he had nothing better to do at the moment.   Why?   Because in Hidalgo County of Texas we go through this from 4 to 10 times a week now.   We have manslaughter and murder cases piling up like cord-wood due to illegal aliens killing people while license, insurance, completely blotto...too blotto to run from the scene as they normally do.   We have one or two retribution murders between local gangs and residual animaloid slime-balls who kill one another because of failure to deliver marijuana, meth, cocaine, or heroin....or who decide to kill someone in a stash house for trying to escape or refusing to have sex.  Some of the killings have a bit of justification, "I had to kill him because he killed my buddy.   My buddy had killed his buddy last year, because he had killed somebody one time."   You know....perfectly understandable.   And here it is an avalanche.   And Hidalgo County is not a "sanctuary city" nor is there any community within the county or any neighbouring county that is a "sanctuary city".  
     Here, illegal aliens killing citizens, legal aliens, illegal aliens, bashing the brains out of the infants of their whores and daily fare.   Not kidding.  Just the facts, ma'am.  Daily.

     Trump hasn't the least notion of the scope of the problem.  The notion of blaming this on the Mexican government is simplistic to beyond an extreme.  It is not even good jingoism.   The FOX News coverage and the Obsolete Media's lack of coverage are both useless.   The problem is much more severe than even FOX News comprehends.

     (3)     Trump announces now that Governor Perry was a terrible governor,  that Bush was a terrible governor....and then goes on to pat himself on the back as the only person who has shown the light upon the problem of illegal aliens among us.    Such as assertion is knowingly incorrect to the point of being an out-and-out Clintonesque-level lie.  Plenty of smarter people than he have pointed out, called to action, and acted in positive measure about the issue.   Ann Coulter to Perry to scores of other commentators and activists have been sounding alarms....up to and including Sheriff Arpaio, the State of Arizona and others.
     Governor Perry pushed the issue to beyond the edge, actually, when he took and assumed the authority of commander-in-chief of the Texas National Guard, mobilised it, and sent over 1,000 effectives to the lower Rio Grande near McAllen to intercept the Obama-invited "refugees" and the MS-13s hiding behind the skirts of the "refugees" and the "children" hoarding by the scores of thousands into the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas.  Along with the military effectives, he ordered combat river-craft, mounted with .50's, Game Wardens (several score) with intimate knowledge of riverine paths, nooks, and crannies, Texas Rangers, Texas DPS Troopers co-ordinated with numerous Constables and other personnel. 
     Perry essentially took on the role of President of Texas....asked for and received almost one billion dollars worth of un-anticipated emergency appropriations and deployed force with considerable impact against the criminal elements buried into the mass of Obama - invited (make no mistake) pseudo-refugees.    There is still a large DPS and special police force that his being maintained by Governor Abbott.    Both of these men have taken power when the central government in Washington D.C. abrogated its responsibilities and Texas had to assume its correct role as the Republic of Texas and take the initiative.   Trump does not know this happened and could not understand the complexities and intestinal fortitude that was required to do it.
     And remember that this is said, not by a supporter of Perry so much, because the OROGs know that El Gringo Viejo is a Cruz-backer.   Perry has his share of scars, warts, and callouses.   But in this and many other affairs he has governed with a soft hand when needed and with a very strong hand when required.   He was certainly Presidential as he should have been during that time last Summer. 
     Sorry Mr. Trump.....but you do not make sense about 74 per cent of the time you speak.    You cannot carry me with your focus group phrases that lack reason.

El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 14 July 2015

El Chapo, the Volcan de Colima, and the days and nights of the Quinta


     We are back in town after a couple of weeks of hanging around at the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre.  The drive down and back were uneventful as usual, as was the stay.   With the heat and recent rains, one can imagine the rampage of foliage surrounding our place.   The "land down under" has become impenetrable, literally covered by the thorny tenaza trees that grow in dense grouping up to about 30 feet high.   The huge anaqua tree, with its huge twisted limbs rises above its thorny neighbours.  This part of the property is home to many of my tiny "jellybean shaped" warblers and other birds, as well as the groupings of green jays and occasional flocks of parrots, all depending upon the season.   Sometimes I think that there is some dependence upon the day of the week as well (meaning that predictability is very predictable except when it is unpredictable). 

Green and florid frenzy
     The "high ground" where the manor house of our Duchy is situation is literally canopied by various types of trees and large bushes.   The census includes a large duranta, many shrimp plants of various colours, powderpuff bushes, bouganvillas of six different colours, ebony trees, flamboyant trees, copper and paint-splatter crotons, a two tonne pencil cactus, numerous esperanzas that have changed from bushes to medium sized, ever blooming trees, splashed  with yellow trumpet-form blossom clusters. We throw in a few plumarias that produce the very sedative Hawaiian leigh flowers to the mix, an avacado, several lime and orange trees, and a really nice guayaba, several hennequin maguey (century-type) plants, and we have quite a plant zoo.  

     It has proven to be all very pleasant, impressive, just-what-we-were-
Foreground Plumaria, behind are the maguey
and behind them, the guayaba
working-for, and enjoyable.   The locals and people visiting the area from Ciudad Victoria and other urban places will stop and admire our jumble of green mixed with the spectrum of colours that could tax a crystal prism.  They especially admire the yards and yards of wax-leaf vine that began to produce the peculiar hanging ball of multi-florette the hundreds.

     My daughter's haliconia began blooming prolifically during these past days, and we are publishing a picture of that event.   She bought the plant at a vivero (nursery) about 50 miles to the south of the Quinta seven or eight years ago, and it has had its spurts and fits in terms of blooming, but never quite so much as this.  Efforts to post this picture are continuing.

     In the vein of "unintended consequences" , we noticed that the ability to go outside and watch the lightning bug show, enjoy the bracing 58 degree chill at 02:00 in the early morning, and actually see a perfect full moon, or a moonless night sky with  billions of stars is now very restricted.   One must move to the middle of our little trail to see all of the splendor of the night sky.
     These past several nights, for instance. were essentially moonless.   The Milky Way was extremely impressive and gave that "close enough to touch" impression.   A every-now-and-then meteor would lend a little interest,  but there were no really extra-normal manifestations.   Such "extra-normal" events are actually a normality throughout the domain of the Sierra Madre Oriental.   Special difficult to impossible explain events are seen in this area every seven to twelve days, generally, after ruling out outright fibbing and obvious misinterpretation or poor observation skills by viewers.
     It is a strange pleasure to be able to go out in the depths of the night and enjoy the temperatures and the sounds of the wild when all the world is otherwise quiet and at slumber.  The owls, the giggling snickers of the fox coven running down by the river, the howling perhaps at the lack of a moon by the coyote pack in the back section of the Hacienda de La Vega, all under a bowl filled and lined with a billion pearls is a good description, perhaps.


      With reference to the debacle produced by the "escape" by Joaquin (El Chapo) Guzman Loera, there is not a lot that is good that can be said.  Suffice to say that the Partido the Accion Nacional (PAN) was better at its worst than the Partido Revolucionario Institutional (PRI) at its best.   One thing that is very probable is that various rumours about the combined commandancy of the Mexican Army and Navy requesting that President Enrique Pena Nieto and his cabinet step down.   The people would be willing to accept three years of military control, leaving the Congress and Supreme Court intact.
     Make no mistake.  The disorganisation of the main structures of the various Cartels has been very significant.  The successes of the previous administration of Felipe Calderon Hinojosa were under-reported and little understood by the American and other foreign observers.  The effects were real, and still remain.   The citizenry desperately wants continued engagement by the military, along with the successful search and destroy methods by the military on all fronts.
     The broad mass of the populace has also tired of the incessant demonstrations, occupations, and low-grade violence heaped upon the face of Mexico by the national teachers' union.  Their never-ending lists of "demands" and "threats" has cheapened the title of "maestra" and/or "profesora" etc.   They have become pretty much something below the clowns and "flame-blowers" at the intersections of major thoroughfares in Mexico City.  "ya! basta!"

      Finally, it has been little reported....perhaps not reported at all in many quarters...but the Volcano of Colima (aka - Volcan del Fuego) has been right at the point of full eruption for several weeks.  For all practical purposes, it is erupting right now, with significant and visible lava flows.   The rivers of molten fire can be seen especially at night, pouring down certain channels from the crater.   With the southwesterly upper flow kicking in every now and then, we could "enjoy" the blow-off of the considerable smoking, hellish emissions all the way to our little place for a few hours on two occasions.  
     Back where it is belching and blowing, one can locate the very active volcano.  It has erupted over 50 times since the arrival of the Spanish in the 1520s.  The peak is situated more in the westernmost part of the State of Jalisco (home to Guadalajara) and a little less in the State of Colima (home to Manzanillo on the Pacific Coast).  It was named for Colima, however, because the volcano began its career entirely in Colima, a long time ago.
     There are slight but significant chances for the smoke and ash material to make it into the American Southwest and/or the Texas area at any time during the next couple of months.

More later.  We appreciate the OROGs' interest and attention.   There will be more reporting and observations to-morrow.
El Gringo Viejo