Tuesday 11 June 2013

The Usefullness of Fear....Please, Be Afraid!!


Be Afraid!
Being a confident individual does not mean that one can never be afraid. From personal experience, I can tell you being afraid is normal and mandatory in order for survival. Being afraid is motivation for action.

Today we have plenty to be afraid of. It is a simple proposition that the central government is on the precipice of totally managing your life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

We sit dumb and happy because today started the same as yesterday and the day before and the day before that. But do not rest easy! The writing is on the wall. We know that the Affordable Care Act and its relationship to the Internal Revenue Service is a reality but the impact is yet to be felt; however, there are significant signs that all is not well. Even the congressional signatories of the Obamacare legislation are now saying it is a proverbial train wreck.

What on earth good can come of this when the IRS is not only in charge of the amount of wealth you can accumulate but also whether you can live of die? Just think, PLEASE!

The central government/IRS today takes as much of your wealth as they want with no recourse for you. You have no part in the decision making regarding how your money is spent. Much is simply redistribution of income via the entitlement programs. Fraud not withstanding, the entitlement programs (welfare, AFDC, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare the largest socialist abomination, etc.) suck money out of the economy that would ordinarily be reinvested in manufacturing, technology, real health care and medicine, etc.

This government is a huge parasite bleeding and feeding off the American dream. It takes from the productive among us and redistributes to the least productive of us. The temptations of the welfare society are attracting otherwise decent working citizens by offering something for nothing as well as taking away the incentive for doing hard work. The IRS is the tool of the government that progressively extracts from earned income at the discretion of the President and Congress. It has extraordinary power to take as it will from whomever it chooses.

This is such a destructive institution that America will not last much longer as the bastion of liberty inspired by God and designed by the forefathers almost two and a half centuries ago. The first and maybe the last of the best society ever designed for the human race.

The IRS has to go! This is the time for action.

"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." - Rahm Emanuel

The IRS must be abolished in favor of either a flat tax or the "
Fair Tax" proposed by some. Either of these alternatives allow the individual to be totally in control of how much income is allocated to the public welfare. In addition, the gargantuan IRS would be disassembled at a huge savings to the Fed.

Think how much simpler it will be to know what you can afford based on what tax would be attached to a purchase. If there were a 20% tax (all taxes included) and you want to buy a car with a retail price of $20,000. You know immediately that it will cost you $24,000. A loaf of bread at $1.98 would cost $2.38. No matter what annual income is, your additional tax contribution to the government at the end of the year on income would be $0.00. That is the flat tax. The fair tax is a little more complex but the idea is similar. The fair tax is a progressive tax based on income but is collected on consumption. In theory, there would be no tax on foods and necessities then all other goods and services would be based on rates determined by income levels (i.e. poverty level, 0% twice poverty level 11%, up to a maximum of 23%). With the Fair tax as in a flat tax all payroll and income taxes would be abolished.

Abolishing the IRS would repress the Affordable Health Care Act until it can be repealed.

Be afraid!    If we do nothing now,  we will very probably have nothing soon.

Support Ted Cruz and the Tea Party Congressional representatives to abolish the IRS to save America!


Wednesday 5 June 2013

Gone in the Morning....Heading South

     Sometime before sun-up, El Gringo Viejo will be heading out on a bit of a business trip.   We shall wind up at the Quinta Tesoro de la Sierra Madre for a bit and then head down to Mexico City for a bit....being gone for a week or so.
     While we are gone, it is hoped that all literate and straight thinking Americans will take advantage of the  movement to abolish  the  Internal Revenue Service.  Any form of tax over the income or wealth is most certainly the power to destroy.   The only form of equitable tax is over consumption.  And over final consumption at that.
      The stupid European method of charging a "sales tax" at each stage of handling of a product is ridiculous.   The sales tax should be charged at the point that the product or service has arrived at the user.   The wealthy who are not penurious will spend a lot, and those with fewer resources, or who are frugal, will spend less.   But it is nobody's business who buys what.
      In this manner, even the poorest person will know that he is part of the contributing group...a paying member of the board of directors of America, Inc.
      The abolition of the corporate income tax would free up enough investment capital to take care of every "shovel-ready" concept ever envisioned since Ronald Reagan left office.
      Except for the fact that America has been trained to look to FEMA instead of to the Great Cosmic Force as the provider of bounty, we would rise even more quickly, were we  to be unleashed from the slave-strangle of the Income Tax.
     As we pack and arrange goodies in the trunk of the Old Dynasty, we learn that the central government is going to sell 30,000,000 shares of Government Motors stock....at a considerable loss.  The true recovery price, at this point, would have to be around 70 USD.   Father Obamaham's elves are selling at about half that much.   At least they have another few score million shares to liquidate....perhaps they will wait until every VOLT comes home.

     Perhaps there will be one more message before departure to-morrow.

El Gringo Viejo

Tuesday 4 June 2013

I know....Drudge Fishing....but how can a person pass it up?


Does she use the same plastic injection molds
that Nancy Pelosi uses?   Only her injection
molder knows for sure.  He can be reached
at ACME Manikin Factory, Inc. 

Mirror, mirror on the wall?

Mrs.  Clinton, one-time Director of the Office of Bimbo Eruptions, apparently uses the same facial nuclear reactor as Papal Advisor and Avionic Flight Critic Nancy Pelosi.
     "That is neither funny nor respectful, Gringo Viejo.   Mrs. Clinton is the greatest United States Senator in the history of the World.   Think of all the miles she flew as Secretary of State.   And, how can you sit around smearing this wonderful woman, after ALL she has done for women and children?"
     "Yes, you are right.   I must apologise and sit in the ashes and mourn my iniquity as I shred my clothes." 

El Gringo Viejo
Lady Macbeth....played by Sarah
Siddons, in 1822 in London
  (please forgive previous mislabel)
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully
 execute the office of President of the United States,
 and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect,
 and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Just a second, Judge.  I've tried everything to get
rid of these damned spots.  Out! Out!  And after
all I have done for women and children!


Eeeeeek! Eeeeeeek !   There are more sexual abuse charges than ever in the military!!!   Eeeeek!   Eeeeeek!  What are we going to do???   Eeeeeek!
     Solution?   -   As of the 1st of July, 2013 females in the service will be removed from on or below decks, anchors aweigh service.  No women on board. No women on submarines.   No women in the foxholes or the forward combat zones.
   Since women are, generally smarter than men, they will be relegated to being doctors (including dentists and veterinarians), nurses, Military Police security analysts and investigators, and strategic/tactical data interpretation specialists.  They can, under certain conditions, volunteer for behind the lines or pre-engagement, intelligence gathering of the most critical kind.  Also, women will be encouraged to serve in the adjutancy as prosecutors and defence attorneys.
     Clerical, office administration, and other such support is better done by females anyway because of their better sense of order and cleanliness.
Results of the above?    Probably an 88% reduction in sexual assaults.   A very sharp reduction in the 17% of female sailors returning from deployment, and going ashore as a member of the Maritime Stork Society.   A 99% reduction in having to deal with the sight of a female veteran who is missing a leg, arm, or both.
     Also, a sharp reduction in the spending of one-third of the service time of the combat, and close combat support personnel having to watch re-runs of "GI Jane", and being taught how to show tolerance to left-handed, double reverse transgendered Lithuanians who have six Mongolistical vegetarian aquanautic sisters with webbed toe and finger syndrome.
Internal Revenue Service:
     To begin, never trust anything with the word "service" in it, if it is associated with the central government.    All marxist and totalitarian governments come up with all kinds of meaningless terms that almost  mean exactly the opposite of what their intent and effect is.   "Social Security Administration"....that is a good one.   "Medicare".....and of course, The "Affordable Care Act".....aka the Obama Socialised Medicine Initiative.
     This Service must be essentially cancelled, obliterated, shut-down more than totally, disbanded, and the graves of the grandmothers burned.
     BUT!   BUT!   EeeeeeeeK!   Eeeeeeeek!   What about the unemployment?  What will all those people working for the IRS do....THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!?    What about H and R Block?   What will all the "tax preparation advisors" do????    The acountants???   The CPA's....????   Oh!! The Humanity......!!!!!!!
     They can find something else to do, like keeping books and doing accounting work for the businesses that will have an explosion of activity due to the fact that said businesses will be un-leashed to perform economic activity not seen since the time  of Ronald Reagan.  Standard accounting would be more fun as well, instead of all the defensive accounting and nail-biting we presently suffer.
Just a few thoughts.  We appreciate your time and patience, always.
El Gringo Viejo

Monday 3 June 2013

Whales Doing Belly-Flop Whoppers!!

"I first learned about this....after I woke up after having been in a deep sleep for the past forty years."
      Bill Clinton testifies one day in front of the silly 9-11 Commission.  Some had thought that William Jefferson Blythe might be called to account because he had not dealt with Al Qaeda in any serious way.  He had had three opportunities to "take out" Usama bin Laden, and was found to be either yellow or AWOL in each case.   No questions were asked about that matter.
     Blythe-Clinton was allowed, on the other hand, to pontificate and self-congratulate to the point of stultifying  boredom.   He pointed out that it was his administration that put into place the program known as "Eagle's Talon" all along the borders, which was designed to watch for and intercept them-there funny-looking little Arabs tryin' to sneak in with their bombs.   Billy Jeff howled at the moon about how his program was so successful because he had all but personally apprehended the fellow who was heading to the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) with the intent of blowing up planes and/or facilities.
     But because of Billy Jeff, that-there funny-looking little Arab fellow was captured.   And not a soul on the panel said a word.   It was like (Sir Edmund) Hillary shrieking, "What difference does it make?"  She should have been quickly instructed, "Listen bat-breath, it is important to the people who care about who, what, why, where, and how something happens to American personnel deployed in areas of increased risk.  "Why did you lie to the parents on the tarmac, saying that you were going to put that video-maker in jail for having provoked all that violence?"
     So many liars...chronic, pathological liars....where do we start, or end?   But to return to Billy Jeff, he failed to mention that his "Eagle's Talon" program was set into place 4 months after the incident when that funny-looking little Arab had been detained and arrested by a female border guard at the crossing point between Canada and the United States.   She moved on a hunch because of the deportment of the subject....acting nervous...which led to an examination of his automobile's boot.
     But Billy Jeff declared in front of the whole world and his mother's ghost that ''his" program, Eagle's Talon, had been the key to the capture of this deranged terrorist.   And not one panellist would press the point.
     Then we have Eric Holder, who is a proud marxist and a certifiable, pathological, chronic liar declaring that he had never heard of the Fast and Furious Program until a few weeks (weasel term alert) before the time of his being questioned before a Congressional inquiry.    Later, once the documents had been pried out of the Department of Justice with a solar- powered crowbar,  Eric Holder had to admit that he had actually been involved in the planning and implementation of Fast and Furious many, many months before.
     Not to be outdone, Father Obamaham told UNIVISION that Fast and Furious was a program that George Bush had foisted onto the Continent of North America, and further, that Eric Holder....that great legal mind and administrator....had actually closed it down.   Can you hear the seismic KAH - PLOOSH of the 400,000-tonne Great Blue Whale doing a back-flop into the Sea of Cortez, and causing a Tsunami from Mazatlan to Tucson?
Fact?   Fact is that the program "Wide Receiver" was put into place by the Bush Administration.   The program funnelled certain semi-automatic weapons through a capillary system of informant/providers who had worked well with American authorities in the past.  These firearms would wind up in the hands of middle and upper level cartel people, and reliable authorities on both sides of the international boundary would have more and better information about the who and where of certain personalities of interest.
    It worked well....closely co-ordinated with the Mexican Army...until such time that the cartel people figured out that the guns were "chipped", and were being monitored.   The Mexican Army informed their counterparts in the American Department of Justice, and the programme was dropped overnight.  No further transfers were made, and human assets were moved around to avoid unnecessary exposure to some of the most hideous, soul-less people on the planet.
    The difference between "Wide Receiver (Bush)"  and "Fast and Furious (Obama/Holder)" programs  is that Bush's program was aimed at finding and apprehending or eliminating cartel people, while Obama's program was aimed at framing legitimate gun-dealers and destroying them along with the concept of private firearm ownership in America.   That objective, as stated by El Gringo Viejo, is not something that the rightwing crazies dreamed up one day.   It is the actual reason, as divulged by people who were involved with  the "Fast and Furious" idiocy.   There was no concern about finding out who had the guns, only that they came from gun stores in Arizona and that they would be used in the killing of Mexican and American military, police, and civilians (preferably women and children).
     A cry would be raised against the "merchants of death", bills would be introduced and, zappo....stroke of a pen....law of the land.   Turn in your firearms or head for the Gulag.   The "gun stores" are closed,  forever.
     The American press?   Silent.  The concern by the low-information, low-intelligence voters?  None.
      Blatant lie.  Blatant complicity by the press.  Almost 500 now, dead in Mexico with Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives distributed weaponry over a two year period.   Remember, we only count the Mexican soldiers, Naval Infantrymen, honest to semi-honest cops, and the civilians caught in the crossfire between cartel squads who spray without discretion.
Most of the casualties were in the northwestern part of Mexico, although others were in the west....near Guadalajara.  At least two were American civilian police personnel, killed in Arizona.  Fast and Furious, indeed.
     These are the people who say it is Rush Limbaugh's fault that Miss Flukie cannot have my daughter and granddaughters pay for her oral contraceptives.  And...it is George Bush's fault that a programme that he did not establish...was horribly evil of motive....was the Death of hundreds of innocents....was abolished by Eric Holder and his thugs.   It must have been true....because Barack Hussein Obama said so in front of a television audience numbering several million during the 2012 Presidential campaign.     If Bush is mistaken, then that is a lie.   If Obama lies, then it is the truth.  The new definition of journalism.
El Gringo Viejo

Sunday 2 June 2013

O'Reilly....let the guests talk...or don't invite them to your desk

     It would be better if FOX News would re-organise their schedule, with Greta first, and the other two hyper-interrupters taking the later time slots. Perhaps Hannity and O'Reilly could share a two-hour slot and just interrupt each other with repetitive platitudes, shouting over one another, and waving each other off until they both collapse in a heap of interruptive exhaustion.   El Gringo Viejo simply cannot understand a conversation when there are two, three, or four people all shouting at the same time....Perhaps they could just set up a barbershop quartet and sing (or sign) "Just a Minute! Just a Minute!" for the length of a standard segment and be done with it.
     O'Reilly did yeoman's service by braying like a drunken donkey about the case of the boy who was detained with the .410 shotgun some months back in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico.  He has probably been made aware by many more people than your humble servant alone, that his bully-boy, swaggering and posturing about what he would "do" to Mexico if the boy were not released by such and such a moment was very injurious to the boy's interests.   O'Reilly looked upon the event as one he could use to gin up his image as a tough guy who would stand up to thugs and crooks and all forms of corruption.   Just not Hillary or Bill, and certainly not with the Kennedys. 
     He was a bit more demure concerning the recent case in Sonora, which involved the detention by the Army of an American citizen.  That citizen was detained after the determination had been made that she was sitting atop a bus seat, under which there was a packet of neatly wrapped 15 pounds of high-grade marijuana.  She and her husband were not sitting side by side, but rather they were travelling 2 X 3....a process whereby a couple might buy three passages for the two of them, so as to have some stretching out room.
     As an aside, Mexican 1st class and deluxe busses are commonly used, even by the wealthy, in Mexico.    There are 4,000,000 carried, medium to long distances, daily.  Americans and foreigners being on-board is not comment worthy, it is common.  Frequent departures, comfortable seating, many semi-direct and express operators, two-driver teams, even recliner/slumber seating on the deluxe overnighters with restrooms  for men on the left and women on the right...etc. etc.  The bus being used by the Maldanados was a standard first class express.  It was running a route that could cover the entire run to the border in a comfortable six hours, including a couple of rest stops.   There is no smoking any longer on the 1st class and deluxe units.  So, having three seats for two people....obviously costs more....but it makes the ride more comfortable, and there is a seat to put all the junk, purses, munchies, magazines, and the like.
      O'Reilly made a big point about how, in Mexico,  everybody is always corrupt all the time, and the Army was just trying to shake down the Maldanados.   He was about 30 hours behind the story, and I particularly enjoyed watching him walk into the door-corner.   Sorry,  I just did.
     We had followed the case somewhat closely.   Sonora is a peculiar State where  common law has been sputtering as if to start for a couple of generations, with increasing success.   There is considerable American agricultural and industrial investment there, and it is a very rich State in terms of fishing, citrus, grapes and wines, and automotives.   There is a  six to eight generation American/British bloodline interlaced in the genealogy of the State, and there is a significant Mormon presence.
     While Mr. Bill was being more reserved, if only a little, about his braying, he still assured everybody that everything in Mexico is bad and....by inference, everything in the United States is perfect.   This information is sandwiched by his own articles about the putrid rot of vile filth of immoral corruption than oozes out every window and door of the White House and the central government bureaucracy in these days....and during the days  of the Clintons' Administration.    I remember one time when he slightly broached the topic of the possible problem Hillary might have in running for the United States Senate seat from New York, considering the persistent suggestions about her possible involvement with the "suicide' of Vince Foster.  That, and/or the next-day clearing out of his office of all papers and momentos by Maggie Thompson and Bernie Nausbaum, under orders from Hillary would certainly have to present SOME kind of obstacle to Hillary's advance to the Presidential Palace.......SOMETHING happened......shortly after that, because the topic has never been raised again.
     O'Reilly was doing that interview with some poobah, and suggested the matter, and the poobah blanched and declared that it was absolutely proven that there was no evidence of any kind to support that "theory"  and "nobody" takes it seriously  anymore.   O'Reilly persisted a bit, saying '.....I have sources who have been pretty definite about that...." , when his talk-mate vigorously disagreed, and said that it was a settled issue...no evidence of any kind to support the charge.
      Just the notion that Kathleen Willy's husband committed suicide the same day and somewhat before Bill Clinton assaulted her in the White House....and then her second husband had a one-vehicle "accident" three years later, while driving some information pertaining to Hillary  and Bill and their Whitewater days over to an investigator of some sort...should ring a few bells.   Repeat such co-incidences several score times, and we have Macbeth meets the Beverly Hillbillies and the Ma Barker gang in Chappaqua.
A scene from a typical city's centre,
in this case Cd. Alvaro Obregon,
in the southern part of Sonora,
     Let's not even get into the Coptic fellow still rotting in prison because of his video about Mohammed....or the corruption represented by the various "green investments"....not that they were just obviously bad, unconstitutional, and arrogant....but that they were part of a front-up, pre-paid kick-back political fund-raising scheme that would and does land Republicans (rightly) in prison when they try it.    And a million other things!
     But back to the case in Sonora.  The soldiers did what they had to do.  They searched the bus.   They found the packets. The detained the passenger sitting over the package. Their commanding officer delivered the detained party the nearest Federal Prosecutorial facility.   Further evidence was gathered.   The detained party protested vigorously that she was innocent, "I'm LDS!" she declared.
     Representations were made by an attorney who requested a  writ of amparo (to suspend legal processes due to the weakness or absence of evidence), and the magistrate took the matter under advisement.  On the next Wednesday, the two young soldiers....regular Army, combat veterans, involved in the very successful pressuring of El Chapo Guzman's organisation in Sonora (including the recent arrest and incarceration of his father-in-law), did not appear for evidentiary hearings.  An officer from the adjutant's office appeared instead, and said that the Army itself was doing recovery of evidence and at that point there was nothing to support what had appeared, at one time, to be obvious.
     In a stunning release, the Army revealed certain security camera footage that clearly showed the Maldanados entering the Bus Terminal with their accoutrements....folded blankets, water six-pack, reading stuff, purse, just the regular stuff people bring along for a moderate distance bus ride.   There was no pair of bulky, wrapped, and re-wrapped packages of pot.  There was film of their boarding...getting off before departure...buying a couple of bags of munchies...(no Coca-Cola or coffee, you know, they are LDS)....and just obviously dumboes like the rest of us...me included.....getting ready to roll home after a funeral.   And El Gringo Viejo knew that that night, Bill O'Reilly would walk into the door-corner....and El Gringo, perhaps lamentably but certainly unapologetically, was happy.
     Mrs.  Maldanado was understandably put-out, angry, distressed, forlorn, and a score of other things due to and during her detention.  She is human.  She is well-spoken, well-presented.   I would have been VERY GRUMPY if the same thing had happened to me....and it has....but in the United States.   But the truth worked through the peculiar labyrinth of Mexican legal procedure, and even Geraldo was caught off-guard,   even though the news about the issue was readily reviewable, all but live and in colour, on very reliable Mexican news reports.    Then...Mrs.  Maldanado, in a mix of high reason and somewhat female expression of some kind of justification for the crummy situation that has brought us to these extremes and measures  declares that everyone was wonderful....she expressed gratitude and appreciation to the girls (officials) who took care of her during her detention, understanding towards the Army (who stood behind the truth), and of course her family.  The mark of a Lady.   A lady who calmed herself in extremely trying times and then befriended all and made things pleasant.   The mark of a Lady.
This excellent picture, taken by the
photographer Bruno Girin, famous
for many studies of Mexican scenes
is of Tulum, archaeological site in the
State of Quintana Roo, Mexico.
     For the interest of the OROGs  who might reasonably be concerned, the soldiers were not admonished or punished for their work, in that, in reality they had done their duty.   So, the very best of a bad situation was had by all.
Except Mr. O'Reilly.
    We recommend that Mr. O'Reilly take the offer of his friend who lives on the Riviera Maya on the Yucatan Peninsula, and visit for a couple of weeks.   Do a show from there for a week.   Tell not just the truth, but the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth....just once about Mexico.
El Gringo Viejo