Thursday 3 January 2013

Kirchner Grasping at Straws....and Islands

    Another of the World's Number One Most Admired Women....just think of everything she has done for the women....and the children....flounders in her own duplicitousness and mendacity.  Cristina Fernandez Widow of Kirchner, President of the Developmentally Challenged Silvered Republic of the Proletariat has sent a letter demanding the de-colonialisation of the Falkland Islands by HRH Elizabeth II.
    To-day is the 132 anniversary (or thereabouts) of the dislocation of Argentine interests from the Malvinas, and the renaming of said islands, The Falklands.  Cristie says, as usual, that agreements in the United Nations that even the Brits agreed to declare that colonial manifestations are to be erased from the globe.   Only the perpetually "going to amount to something in the future Silvered Republic" has the right to have colony.
     To this hysterically desperate....woman....communist....trying to salvage her presidency that she rode into on the casket of her dead husband....who is no longer with us...because he is dead....the "Malvinas Option" is her last hope.   She actually thinks that she will dig up the body of Eva Peron to tie onto the prow mast of some clunky Argentine man o'war, and that she will strap on the armour of Jean d'Arc and strike a blow for social democracy, anti-colonialism, Frida Kahlo, and all things that are good in the world.

Another deranged, demented, and debunked
"reformed" communist-lite demagogue leader
of a nowhere country plays her Ace of Spades
as she sees her Bolshevik Sand Castle wash
away, into the Atlantic Ocean.

   The term "Malvinas Option" is reserved for that last desperate measure taken by whatever regime is in place in Buenos Aires to salvage itself.  It always fails.  The Union Jack has remained over the Falklands before and it will remain there after Cristie has ceased even being a memory.   The facts are clear.  Argentina is in pitiable economic straits.  The Argentine peso continues to slide, insolvency is not something being spoken about in future tense.  Flailing measures such as uncompensated nationalisation of the oil company, air lines, and other foreign owned or involved businesses has been one of the mainstays of the poison brewing in Cristie's cauldron.   Private pensions of public and private sector employees, businesses, union, and non-profits are being usurped by the Argentine treasury in a desperate effort to put cake on the shelves for the hyper-dependent rabble that always make up the core of commie and socialist political support.

Argentine peso started off 2008 at $o.32
American to 1.00 Argentine.  As of this
morning, it is $0.19 American, or a
loss of almost 40% during Cristie's
presidentcy.  Very strict currency
conversion controls are in place.
Foreign reserves are exhuasted.
Hope and Change costs money.

    El Gringo Viejo thinks that the Argentine military will not fight if ordered.   This, truly, is not from cowardice.  It is because of the sobering deduction provided by  reality.   The last war with the Brits resulted in several thousand useless casualties on the part of the Argentine soldiers, many of whom were sent into battle without food, or even armaments.  The Brits lost several significant warships to Exocet missiles delivered by an Argentine pilots flying  Mirages and to bombs dropped from... (you guessed it...British built Canberra bombers.  The were many sailors lost in that event.   The Brits lost 777 dead and about 2,000 wounded.  The Argentines lost almost 1,500 dead and about 2,000 wounded.
     The fallacy of Cristie's argument about the United Nations imperative concerning  colonial properties is that a return of a piece of land to native ownership requires a plebescite including those same natives.   There is no doubt that the residents of the South Sandwich, Falkland, and South Georgia Islands would vote nearly unanimously in favour of staying within  that group of people who have the Queen's image on their coin and paper currency.

English Electric Co. Canberra

     Ah! Cristina, you are no Evita.  You really are like that other Queen of the Universe recently released from a hospital in the United States.   A media created falsity....a poorly constructed lie.

More Later, and thanks for being with us.
El Gringo Viejo

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Hey, Christi....Call yo' Daddy, O'bama


True Love

     Mr. Christie....once admired governor of a less than admirable State in the Union...New Jersey....was filmed last night and then again to-day, admonishing the Republican majority of all people for failure to have approved 60,000,000,000 (sixty billion) dollars of hurricane relief money last night.   The money was to have gone to the long suffering and victimised people of New York and New Jersey.   Supposedly
     But, allow us to observed very quietly that FEMA, emergency allocations, special relief for the dislocated, all such measures always...always...always...always (and the words never and always are dangerous words)...always result in waste, failure, knashing of teeth, whining, bellyaching, and the usual failure of 9 lepers to regard the civility of saying "thank you".
     We who are unsophisticated hicks and rubes who live in Confederate Country...we who are stupid and backwards....will always remember that the crews who left Texas and other points of the South to go up and work on the restoration of the power systems in New Jersey and New York were received in a peculiar manner.   Obscene gestures, shouts of "Scab", tomatoings, rock throwing damage to private company service trucks, and the like were common.   Why?   Because the workers, in the opinion of the fine and sophisticated people in New Jersey and New York, were either not union members or were members of the wrong union...or something.   Racial and geographical epithets were also common.
   And so, now comes Governor Christie.   He who literally slobbered over the most miserable excuse of a person to have ever held the office of president of the United States...doing a jive shuffle like some kind of as to pick up a few dollars to rebuild his crummy, thoroughly corrupt state.  Corzine, Torecelli, and...and...Christie...Corzine Torecelli, and Christie.
    Obama says...yessir, we're gonna cut right through all that red tape and get the job done.  You government people listen to me.  Git all the money to these people rat now!!! I so order!! Git it done!
     Then Mr. Christie says, "Oh mighty massa president...we loves you because we talked on the phone many times and I could tell that you really cared about us and you are going to take care of us...we loves you really big.   You're not like that crummy Mormon who thinks people ought to take care of themselves...he doesn't care about little people like you do...we like you and we really don't like him.  I'm ashamed of him and the Republican Party.   We like empty promises and showboating carneys like you a lot better than that Mormon with the 12  wives.
Oh! I'm going to faint over the rush of gratitude for your having come here and given six buckets of vomit disguised as empty promises.   We loves you Mr. Hero President Magical and Wondrous Superman."
"For a fat white boy, your not so bad, cracker.  I'll get
right on those C-5As full of 100 dollar bills just as soon as I
get back to Washington.   FEMA will take care of everything
and you'll have a brand new State early next week.  Promise."
     HEY, MR. CHRISTIE -   WHY YOU BLAMIN' DA REPUBLICANS?  You said Obama's gonna take care of you, already.  Now, Youse da guy dats complainin' already?   Complain to yo daddy Obama...He's yo daddy now.
      Christie might even change parties soon and reveal himself to be the dull liberal that he has always been.   He is a slug and a charlatan.   His speech at the Republican National Convention was a bit of foreshadowing about his staking out a "moderate" spot on the playing field in order to "take back" the Republican Party from the "TEA PARTY extremists" and to establish the Republicans as the "socialist lite" and nice and reasonable party for the 2016 elections.
Puke on the whole Queen for a Day thing.   The entire State budget for one year for New Jersey is only 30,000,000,000 dollars.   The Gulf Coast people, Nashville, and Joplin pretty much did everything on their own.  You have no professionalism...and no shame, Christie.
El Gringo Viejo 

TOPIC: Low and No Information Voters

It was raining here, finally, last night.  Cold.   The rain was not heavy, but it was dense and steady.  So I went out to the main barn because of that leak that we had repaired.   It had dripped on to some of our work saddles, so it was well that we had lathered them from the last use.   The four horses we keep in were surprised to see the large door open, on squealing hinges, but they were reassured when they saw it was just the same old coot who had closed the door earlier in the evening.  It smelled horsey and warm, things were pleasant inside. 
     I checked the saddles and gazed at the place we had repaired, carefully squinting for a bit of a drip or a drop...but there was none.  Just at the moment that I was going to turn on the heel of my boot and head back to the parlour fireplace, there it was.   The saddle bags of the first saddle was draped over the seat of the saddle, as usual, but the flap was open, and a heavy, parchment-like sheet of expensive writing paper, folded very precisely, and sealed, this time with the best black sealing wax, and stamped with a familiar  "Z".
     "Why doesn't he come in?  This is so....strange," I thought to myself.  The letter was stuffed carefully into my shirt.  El Zorro still chose to write in India pen ink, and I did not want to lose any of the message.   Running up to the front gallery and into the main door, back into the warm parlour, I dried off my hands and extracted, then openned the missal from my masked rider friend.  It announced:
Mensaje a la Gente Conservadora!
El Problema y las soluciones de los electores burros de baja intelligencia y/o procesamiento de informacion politico, cultural, y de importancia social.
Tema  -  Electores de Baja Informacion y capacidad intelectual:

Where to begin?

The problems that resulted in the second election of the misfit we now have
to call "President" have two sources.

The first source is the chronically dedicated to the Democratic Party. "My
parents were democrats and my grandparents were democrats so I am a
democrat." Some of them know what they are doing and think by so doing they
will be part of the club when the other side loses everything. There are
others who just follow because they are and always will be democrats. There
are also those who are ideologically aligned with the socialist, Marxist,
communist, fascist leaders of their party. Many of them get their relevant
information from the Daily Show, Bill Maher, the Colbert report, etc. and
think that is real news. That pretty much sums the first group.

The second source of the problem is the "Low Information Voter". This group
is one that before this past election had never been counted or accounted
for in such social undertakings as electing our leaders. They are people
who do not care about politics, government, taxes, healthcare, or any other
social necessities to keep the Republic operating to their benefit (or
deficit). They are the people who are busy with anything but what happens
in Washington or the state seats of government. They do not want
information or to be bothered with it. This group consists of, but is not
limited to, those who are most interested in reality TV, like to smoke dope,
working people who only want to pay their (tax) bill and be left alone,
college kids who are in school to avoid going to work. They don't see or
hear and until now could not be reached... but this time, this time Obama
did reach them. He is, looks, and acts "cool". He got their attention in the
first debate with Romney when Romney talked over their heads and Obama
seemed aloof. Obama appeared to be "out of it" acting as if he didn't even
want to be on the stage. All through the rest of the campaign he followed
through on that. He didn't take on the issues that are important to the
country. Obama appealed to the LIV's interests by appearing on late night
TV and the View, taking long vacations from being president, shooting hoops,
playing golf, and not boring the LIV with real issues. His appearances,
what he looks like and how he spends his "media time" got their attention.

There is a difference between low information voters and no information
voters in that the LIVs have some information that is either wrong or
limited. The NIVs are know-nothings about the system and pretty much just plain
don't care. Both of these groups are low information voters (a rectangle is
a square...). Together they make up a significant number, especially when
you consider the margin by which Obama won the election.

We cannot underestimate the opposition on this issue. They may have
stumbled onto this new source or how to reach them but now conservatives
have that to contend with among all the other entire usual prospective voter

So, there is a problem that has to be dealt with. The conservative party
has the challenge of keeping and growing the base, convincing the swing
voters, and reaching the low information voters.

We have to get dirty and we have to start now, if not sooner. Our
candidates have to be better informed on the issues than the competition,
look "cool", and they have to act somewhat apathetic while at the same time not
alienating the traditional base. The candidate has to look like everyman.
Ron Paul probably had the attention of some of the LIVs because of his
physical appearance among some of his positions on social issues that would
appeal to the uninterested observer.

It is possible what is happening now is a turning point in the experiment in
freedom. It may be that there is no rolling the stone back up the hill.
This is not inevitable!

Low information voters were probably the margin that beat us. It could be
said "We got beat by stupid". That does not have to happen again. All who
care have to start now by talking to everybody they know and any others with
whom they may have the opportunity. It does not matter how much it
irritates them, information has to be pushed to them. They will not go get
it. The pop culture has to be made irrelevant to the extent it can be
because that is where and with what most of the ignorant voters and LIVs
spend their time.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

The "comadre" wrote with ire and angst....can't say that I blame her.   (Comadre is the mother-in-law of our daughter).  Who can blame her for her sentiments?


Tax Return?  Many Happy Returns???

Happy New Year!  Right?

 My tax return?
 I just received my tax return for 2011 back from the IRS. It puzzles me!!!
They are questioning how many dependents I claimed. I guess it was
because of my response to the question: "List all dependents?"
I replied: 12 million illegal immigrants; 3 million crack heads; 42 million
unemployed people on food stamps, 2 million people in over 243 prisons;
half of Mexico; and 535 persons in the U.S. House and Senate."
Evidently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.
As the pool of taxpayers continues to shrink as a percentage of the population, things will become steadily worse.   After all, Little Red Hens are a custom fit to be slaves to Aunt Zietuni Obama and Uncle Omar Onyango Obama.  It's so good to know you're needed, even if it's only to serve as a money cow to feed and house reprobates.

HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR...AUNTIE ZIETUNI AND UNCLE OMAR...WE'RE GLAD THAT WE COULD HAVE BEEN OF ASSISTANCE.   Where are you people going to go after you destroy this country....Red China?
El Gringo Viejo

The Fiscal Septic Tanque or How I love Cash for Clunkers and Shovel Ready Projects


  A perfect example of sophomoric, juvenile demagoguery is included below.  We address our words to the poseur who would be the perpetual marxist campaigner for the final destruction of the American experiment in Liberty.  We know that you aim every word for the stupid, the jealous, the mean, the envious, the lazy, the resentful, the personality disordered, the pertpetual victims, and the other dregs who are just one or two steps away from the grocery cart and the four-coat summer wardrobes.  They are your image of America:  the helplessly helpless who have to have a "helping hand" because they cannot see a way clear to a real life.
"At this make or break moment for the middle class, the President achieved a bipartisan solution that keeps income taxes low for the middle class and grows the economy," the statement says. "For the first time in 20 years, Congress will have acted on a bipartisan basis to vote for significant new revenue.
"This means millionaires and billionaires will pay their fair share to reduce the deficit through a combination of permanent tax rate increases and reduced tax benefits."  (Statement from the White House, 1 January 2013)
Taken from the Registry of Small Words from Smaller People.

    This is the language of every marxist publication.  It is the language of very, very wise 19 year old, spoiled college "students" who are drinking too much beer, smoking too much dope, or snorting too much dust...and draping themselves around in some convenient mommy-basement, dormitory room, or saloon corner;   "yeah, man...those people don't need no extra money...they oughta pay taxes and's not fair that they get to have everything for free, dad says they don't pay any taxes because they got accountants and everything ...yeah,'s not fair."
     The utter evil, wicked, and degenerate notion that person "A" can determine that person "B" doesn't need his antique backscratcher, his Porche, his poodle, his money, his pool table, or the absolute ruin of the Republic.
     It is pointed out that while El Gringo Viejo is composed of considerable Yankee ancestry and that part of his paternal Anglo-Saxon is German...his soul is owned by his English Saxon line and his general belief in the proper, natural order that the British embodied in something called "The Common Law";  that law which was meant to be applied commonly to prince and pauper alike.   While imperfect, it did work to build a body of thought that brought about the freest people in the history of this particular Mayan Cycle.   It is something that has separated Southerners from the Klan, and inspired solid social progress for generations without the direct intervention of the helping hand of debilitating government intervention and dependence.
     Among the things that Southerners of decency can do is identify whitetrash, shysters, and flim-flam men.   Barak Hussein Obama and his minions are whitetrash, shysters, and flim-flam men.  They like the game to see if they can trick people with word games and deceptive statements.   They like to shortchange the customer who is buying tickets into the carnival, more for the shortchanging than for the money gained.   The like to say things to which the dull and stupid will nod and applaud, even as they know their words are insulting the very same people who are nodding and applauding.
     There is a reason that Barak Hussein Obama could identify with Trevon Martin as "someone who looks like a son'' .   It is because Trevon is/was Barak Hussein Obama.   He was a cocky little bully who liked to smoke dope and lie and sneak around and steal and "get away" with things.  Like Obama, Trevon thought he would whip-up on a low-class Cracker and teach him a lesson, and who knows....maybe get a wallet or something out of the deal.   He had done such things before....why not again?    What else is there to do when you've been booted from school on a 10 day suspension?  Trevon is Barak...Barak is Trevon...except for one thing.   Barak's communist grandparents had money, and Barak got to smoke dope in better venues.   He allowed himself to think that he knew what white people were thinking.  He was encouraged in his sophistry and arrogance in real live Universities...where instead of applying himself and attending class and amounting to something, he mounted and rode the horse of sloth and undeserved deference due to his "blackness".    No one can be quite as deferential as a hypocritical, racist, elitist, holier-than-thou  Northern liberal.

      The legislation passed in the middle of the period between 32nd of December, 2012 gave us the interesting wake-up on the 1st of January 2013 of being more of the same deceptive, meaningless, temporary jibberish talk and inaction that we have had for the previous four years of this horrid degenerate, marxist golfer.
     El Gringo Viejo says no more than this.   There has been no budget passed by the Senate, nor seriously proposed by the White House since the arrival of Barak Hussein Obama to office.   The lower House has passed numerous partial and complete budgets, none of which have been brought to the floor of the Senate by the corrupt and terribly stupid patron of "Cowboy Poetry", the infamous SEIUnion's lackey, Dingey and Corrupt Real Estate Dealer, Harry Reid.
     Barak Hussein Obama thinks that absolutely no one knows that he purposefully holds off actions so as to have a continuing hammer to bang on the anvil....ringing out "millionaires and billionaires" and "immigration reform" and "people who look like me" until Hell freezes over and thaws out with the next episode of Global Warming.

     We know beyond a doubt...we knew before he was first nominated...that his objective was and is to destroy the United States of America by degrading the military, the currency, the economy, and the culture.   He will leave no stone unturned in that quest.

      The Republicans need to think carefully about this.   They cannot win the Obsolete Press's popularity contest.   They cannot win the love, affection, and/or votes of the stupid, the lazy, and the dependent by preference.   People who play the lottery as part of their portfolio are not going to vote for the good of the Republic.


Zeituni Onyango
The Auntie of the President
of the United States.  She is referred
to as Auntie Zeituni in Obama's memoir,
written by the communist Bill Ayres,
"Dreams from My Father"
     Bill Ayres, communist activist since the mid-1960s, Obama's mother, biological father, adolescent godfather figure, grandparents and most of his professors are/were communists, rabid socialists, marxists, or professional America haters.   Auntie Zeituni's resume' could read, for instance, something like this:
     Auntie Zietuni:   Born in Kenya.  Hung around for a while there.  When nephew was put into the belly of the Manchurian Horse, we learned that I could become a professional illegal alien.  Went to the United States to some place called Masatusets.   They told me I did not need no papers.  I like living here.  They had to give me a huge apartment for free and food stamps and everything.  I have electricity and a place in the apartment where there is water that comes all the way into the apartment that helps with personal needs, so to speak.  One day the racist bigotted white swine dogs came and told me I had to go back to Kenya.  They were very mean, because I like it better getting everything for free.   And after all the discrimination and racism that they committed against us I deserve what I have and more.  It is called repairistics.   Someone gave me a team of lawyers to fight for my rights as an illegal alien making 41,000 dollars a year doing nothing except taking, playing bingo, buying lottery tickets, and being cool and blaming white dogs for all my problems.   I gots lots of medical problems....but that's okay...I gots the free medical from Obama.      

Uncle Omar Onyango Obama
and his Section 8, and his motorcar.
 His driver's license is surrendered however.
  Oh! He drives but just not with a stupid license.
  He is, you see, too important for that, and he has
 mega-lawyers to make sure you continue giving him
the free things that illegal aliens from Kenya deserve
after all the discrimination Uncle Omar suffered at the
hands of the American Republic during his journey through
his productive, inspiring life of community contributions and
generosity, always worrying about others before himself.  A
true gentleman in every respect.   An inspiration to his nephew.
 Oh!  His lawyers did get him an emergency license, "to drive to work". 

This is a summary of the Uncle Omar Onyango's impressive social and professional resume' as pieced together by the Boston Herald and Judicial Watch:
An investigative group that exposes government fraud and corruption uncovered a new record from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) regarding President Obama’s illegal alien uncle, Onyango "Omar" Obama, who was arrested in August 2011 on drunken driving charges in Framingham, Massachusetts.
The document, obtained by Judicial Watch on Wednesday as a result of the group's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on April 10, 2012, includes an internal agency email from Brian Hale, ICE’s Assistant Director of the Office of Public Affairs, to ICE Director John Morton dated April 1, 2012, titled “Onyango Statement and TP’s [Talking Points].”
The email confirms that the ICE curiously permitted Onyango to seek the reopening of his deportation proceedings which had been closed in 1992:
Mr. Onyango is subject to a final order of deportation. ICE had granted him a stay of deportation effective until June 5, 2012.
The stay was granted to allow him to attend pending criminal proceedings and to seek reopening of his deportation proceedings, which concluded before the Board of Immigration Appeals on January 29, 1992.
On March 27, 2012, the Framingham Massachusetts District Court entered its judgment in Mr. Onyango’s criminal case. Since his criminal case has concluded and his attorney appears not to have filed a motion to reopen, ICE is requiring Mr. Onyango to report to our Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations in Burlington, MA on April 12,2012 at 10:30 a.m. with his attorney of record.
At that appointment, arrangements, including medical accommodations, will be discussed to effectuate his departure from the United States on an appropriate date.
Absent a change in circumstances, ICE does not intend to deport him at the time of his April 12 appointment.
Onyango was first ordered out of the country in 1989.
On March 27, 2012, Omar Onyango Obama admitted to the Framingham District Court that prosecutors had enough evidence to convict him (nolo contendere). Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials, meanwhile, claimed the agency intended to continue deportation proceedings against Obama, however, they allowed Onyango to seek the reopening of his deportation proceedings, according to a Nov. 17, 2011 Examiner report.
Uncle Omar, who, upon his arrest, said his one phone call would be to the White House, has indicated he will fight ICE’s efforts to deport him in a high profile proceeding the Boston Herald conjectured could “drag on for years.” While he fights deportation, Obama will be allowed to drive a car. He was supposed to lose his license for 45 days, but received a “hardship license,” from the Massachusetts’s Department of Motor Vehicles so that he could drive back and forth to his job at a liquor store, according to an Examiner report.
On July 12, Judicial Watch released records showing agency officials withholding information on Onyango’s release from the press and Congress.

(update...of a sort)
     Suffice it to point out that Uncle Omar worked at the liquor store which is something like the story of the  fox in the hen-house, and he had been repeatedly admonished about stealing lottery tickets.  He also had a little problem after receiving his "hardship license".  In short order, he manage to run into a Police Cruiser, lamentably while being in the legal zone of DWI.  He was coming from a very popular, upscale saloon somewhere between his "employment" and his Section 8.   The place...called "The Bones" is famous for excellent drinks, excellents apertifs and food, and pretty waitresses as pretty and well built as the Hooters girls.  The only problem is that Unkie Omar managed to hit Police Cruiser that was parked at the time...with its dash-cam running.   OOoooooppps. 
     It was just another case of the police in Masatusets behaving stupidly...white dogs never change their spots after all....and after all the discrimination and racism Unkie Omar had to suffer historically at the hands of the White Dogs......the humanity of it all....just...what can I say....just, the humanity of it all.   And a brain concussion....and ...and...the Children.


     Democrats, as presently composed, are obviously in league with the Obsolete Press and think they are on a roll.   They care only about t0-day and the next two years and their ability to be re-elected.  They depend upon taking other peoples' money and buying votes with said money.  They take that money at the point of a gun, held by agents of overwhelming legal and armed force in the form of the Internal Revenue Service.  Pay or become desititute and/or go to prison.  Pay so that Auntie Zeituni can have her lottery tickets and Miss Flukie can have her free birth control pills.
     The Republicans only gain if they stay in with their last followers....the straight thinking people who think that deficit spending is the worst form of decandence and whoredom.  When those among friends and readers....the faithful OROGs....roll your eyes and say, "Man alive, El Gringo Viejo is really bonked out!   There's no way that he can be serious about 'withdrawing' from the American Union" , please be aware that El Gringo Viejo is as serious as a bus wreck.
    Texas liberals are dumboes but they are not insane.   Texas Republicans are a bunch of posturing dumboes, but they are not insane.   Texas has a fully funded BY THE SELF SAME EMPLOYEES,  state employees and public school employees retirement system made up of money THAT EACH EMPLOYEE OWNS!!!!!   And, Texas actually has a frumpy bit of filtering about how much abuse a person can inflict upon the "free money" welfare programs.
      The Republic of Texas has, on hand,  a "rainy day fund" of almost 20,000,000,000 (20 billion) Yankee dollars....we have little or no racial conflict....disagreements about politcal positions and various things we do have...but we are based upon the notion of "Friendship"....and our billionaires are dumboes like us....and we are tired of paying 100 to Uncle Sam and having 70 come back.   And having the central government invest in ruining entire races of people in the general population, solely for the purpose of maintaining a morally corrupt government in place.

      There will be one last reasonable election in 2014.   The "Big Mens" will have to make their choices and take their stand.   The self-supporting blue collar and white collar middle and upper middle classes will have to make their choices and take their stand.  If they think they can deal with Hitler and Stalin and Mao and Hugo and Fidel...then let those men's gods bless them.   If they want America to stand as a free Republic, then we can try to keep the House and retake the Senate of the American Union.   If that fails....the inertia of dependency will control the cultural and social mores and complexion of the American Union and we will become not only Europe....but the worst of Europe.

Pray for the American Republic.   I shall pray for the Republic of Texas.
El Gringo Viejo     

Connecticut Attorney Sues State for 100,000,000 USD

     A quick solution to the filing by the attorney in the matter of the massacre of the children and adults at the Sandy Hook School in Newtown, Connecticut is included here.
     (1)   Bring the attorney into the court of record.   Sentence him to 1 year behind bars, no good time, no 1 X 3 allowance, no direct contact with visitors.   Place him in general population, for the purpose of getting to know first hand that he is just like the people who surround him, especially in the showers.
    (2)   Fine the attorney 100,000,000 USD, since that number sounded good to him, he will enjoy thinking about it while paying it back upon release.
     (3)   Take the attorney to the spay/neuter clinic down the street a ways.
     (4)    Disbar, in perpetuity, said attorney, one Irving Pincus.

Thanks for your attention.
El Gringo Viejo